“The Spartan Theory” Book 2
"The American Butterfly"
The Beautiful Butterfly effect – predicative Quantum Software

With few exceptions there is little here that has not been done before or being developed now, as such it is possible.

• Bill Gates instead of giving to charity made a foundation to provide a greater good.
• First National Bank South Africa, connected their bank to reservation software
• Travel GDS’s & the world trade centre have created small Global Trade Networks
• Google have created a Virtual World that mirrors Real Life
• Companies are considering making operating systems for televisions
• Stanford University created a practice university, now called Silicone Valley.
• From next to nothing in an arid area Dubai was build
• 20% of the worlds energy already comes from alternate sources

If we add to and improve all these models, and hold them rigidly within a non chaotic economic structure, each bounces off each other, not becoming twice the sum of their parts, far more than that, the circle is continuous, maybe even infinite, and that’s what makes the difference, that is what I call “The Beautiful Butterfly Effect”
Welcome to “American Butterfly” together we are going to “Save the Planet” starting with the USA.

America butterfly is a dream, not of how things can be better, but how to create Utopia. We won’t be able to create Utopia any time soon, but “even in failure, we strive for perfection”.

American butterfly describes the formula for a new economic system which when perfected will change not just our wealth, but our entire planet.

Developing and implementing the system to its fullest will take a number of years; this said it will take only a matter of hours after “American Butterfly” is verified and broadcast for the money start to flowing again.

Within a year the recession will be over, shortly followed by a golden age of prosperity that may never end. In fact I say: “It will never end”, I expect however this little phrase will be hotly debated.

For this reason, I needed to create something that could look years into the future of our economics systems. Such a tool could see anomalies and threats building up well before they spiral out of control. At which point the system can divert investment (usually building university towns & providing alternate energy) to the areas of concern.

I am proud to introduce: “PQS” (Predictive Quantum Software) the newest addition to the SIENNA software family: (Super Intelligent Engine for New Network Access)

The specifications of this system are tailored around “Chaos Theory” & “The Butterfly Effect” taking influence from, “Quantum Mechanics”, “Black Holes” & the missing peace of physics “The Higgs Boson”

Chaos Theory” dictates “Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for chaotic systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible”.

Economics is a primary field within “Chaos Theory” thus, long-term prediction has always been considered impossible.

We begin by making the system symmetrical, counting in sets of four, (no initial odd numbers). Within the multiples of four infinite frame work infinite numbers like (3.3333333 recurring) are hard to produce thus dramatically reducing rounding errors. It may not sound like much, but it makes a huge difference. The intention is to record and store information on all transference of money, something that simply could not be accurately achieved with infinite numbers.

Rounding errors and infinity aside, the human error is chaotic and needs to be removed from the accounting process. Already achieved in some corporations, linking financial software into small medium and large businesses with direct interaction with banks removes the need for human interaction, thus avoiding human error, fraud and tax evasion.

Next we build a cube like structure where new companies profits are pegged at certain figure and internally rounded thus completely eliminating rounding errors from the core financial structure, so making the company predictable, it will always make the same profit. The additional profit sits and grows with half being returned to the financial hub, until it is the same size as the yearly profit made by the initial company, or the initial investment

The profit is then exchanged for a land & real estate, on which is built a practical university, where students and staff spend 50% of their time, working on the system and assisting businesses, the other 50% concentrating on alternate energy, ecological and medical research and development, by 2013 five million, by 2017 100 million citizens, by 2028 a Billion.

Alongside the company’s new resort & university, it gains the right to start a new company, in any industry using any technology or advance created at the university, Further it will be intrinsically linked to the university, in the case of standard sized companies ($4Billion), thousands maybe tens of thousands will analyze and assist in what ever way possible, until the company is established and profitable.

Dividends are at a healthy 25%, but only paid when the company banks $4Billlion, from then on yearly they will receive 25% in dividends, 25% will be returned to the financial hub, and 50% flows into the next company due to be created, the more companies, the faster the flow. All companies protected each other, only the founding company can flounder, which is a million to one shot, even if it did, the financial hub will divert funds.

The financial hub, not only generates money from companies profits, it is desired for the S-Link GTN software (Global Trade Network) to take a commission of Global Trade, further the financial software Sianna.gov, takes a commission of transactions.

If this system had Global 50% market share, we are looking at 5 to 10 Trillion dollars a year.
How do you get 50% market share (2 Billion people)?, Simple enough! You make their lives a lot better wealthier and healthier, adding a colossal dose of “saving the planet”.

Let me explain what the “financial hub” is. Its initial name was “The Sienna Foundation” then it changed “Sienna Unite” then just “Give Half Back”

The first model I knew of was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, instead of just giving to charity; they worked the money and created the greater good. The “American Butterfly” model whilst seemingly more complex is (software aside) simple.

50% of the “Give Half Back” money goes to the company’s resort, town or city, social security, municipality and general upkeep of course, the balance to the company to spend on improvements or further real estate options
The other 50% gets returned to the University and “Special projects” (Alternate Energy & Desalination)

The university will dedicate plenty or resources to pharmaceutical and medical research, within a few years, most medicines and pharmaceuticals around the world will be free. At the same time the world’s dependence of fossil fuels will start lowering, target: 50% by 2020 and 10% by 2018

The most noticeable PR phrase is “It will work, because everyone will want it to work” considering the trade network, prices will we lower than outside companies. Who in their right mind will buy a product that costs more! Even on a like to like price basis, who would buy a product from a company that did not return half its profits to extremely good cause, no one…

As such 50% market share is a low estimate and 100% market share achievable, due to database configuration and API links it’s only been possible for a few years. Some one or other company will do it over the next ten or twenty years and there is little chance it will be used to benefit all.
Back to the software and….

Quantum Mechanics” Please consider the basic connection between the nucleuses of an atom, the electrons that are bound to it, and the ever changing electromagnetic force that holds it together. In economic terms: the nucleus is the financial hub, the elections the citizens, and the electromagnetic force the flow of money.

Black Holes”, Imagine all the citizens and their money, picture them in perfect orbit around a black hole, with the black hole continually sucking in money at a sustainable and adjustable rate, but then returning the money to the nucleus of the atom (Give Half back) for redistribution, a perpetual feeding (stimulating) process.

Now we consider the “Beautiful Butterfly Effect”: “The flap of a butterflies wings in Texas can create a hurricane over Africa” If we put an imaginary cube around the butterfly and measured all the energy transference, then put imaginary cubes across the entire sky in a “Higgs Boson” manor then measured all the energy transference, we would be able to perfectly predict the weather, and see exactly what caused the hurricane, learn from it and so be aware of the warning signs for next time.

We can’t do this yet, but we can apply the principal to our non chaotic economic structure and track the flow of money to a fair to good degree of accuracy, especially if transferred within the frame work. To give it a name we will call this new economic frame work EEE (The Ecological Experience Economy)

After a while we will start to see spending patterns, with a test group of 10 Million desired in the first year in America alone, we will have an excellent sample rate from which to grow the predictive nature of the software. Spending patterns can be analyzed to see which projects under taken created the greatest benefit to the economy, and we can also start to analyze warning signs, from an individual citizen falling to far into debt, to cities, states and countries in decline.

Both can be assisted, in the case of a city in decline, assistance will be on hand, in the form of a small university town, so creating many jobs. In the case country in decline, an entire “City of Science” and satellites can be built. This will happen alongside the university teams from around the world working on the problem, one instant solution would be to “Green Flag” exports from that country, which indicates a friendly request for EEE companies to purchase goods from said suppliers.

PQS (Predictive Quantum Software)
tracks the flow of money from EEE projects to companies to staff, staff back to companies and beyond, taking into account the amount of tax being accumulated and the amount of money going to “Give Half back”. We already know the exact amount all EEE companies and their satellites will make, by recording peoples spending patterns over time and assimilating the data forward one gains an accurate view of how the economy will do in the future. This concept can be used from the outset.

Example: The UK governments have recently given the go ahead for a 32.7 Billion pound railway. Prime mister David Cameron suggests for every pound they spend they will generate two pounds. Many however are saying it is money poorly spent. If 32.7B generates 65.4B it is an excellent investment. However the tacticians that made that prediction are making an educated guess based on little data. PQS, would not only create an accurate prediction, so silencing the doubters, it would also throw up hundreds of alternate options, for economic stimulation, of which it would be highly likely that more profitable ventures were available.

Obviously we are looking at an expensive operation and as such one needs to create a must have investment model, we have already discussed the opportunities for companies, in short even 10 million people working in the universities on open source development for all industries, will make all EEE companies near untouchable. 100 million, untouchable, as such if any individual wished their business to still exist in eight years time, it’s really not something anyone can say no to, consider desired partners Microsoft and Apple, working on the financial, CRM and business software, which is free to all, they make their money from the small 0.1% to 0.5% transaction fee, which will add up to more than they make now. Now imagine, the only way they agree to work, is in exclusivity, no other software designers allowed.

With software free to all, do you think IMB will be around in five years time? In fact as soon as such a deal was broadcast, there would be such a run on IBM shares that they may fold within a day. This is obviously tough love and the whole idea of EEE is that every company on the planet benefits, in fact, after the solid core of companies are created, it will often be the less efficient companies that are targeted, as when we add the efficiency a great improvement will be seen, thus making more money for taxes and “Give Half Back”

The software makers however are the lifeblood of the project, facebook, Microsoft, Apple and Google are strongly desired, as such its likely companies like IBM, will have to be sacrificed, this said, after their shares have dropped, we can buy them and asset strip their technology.