“The Spartan Theory” Book 2
"The American Butterfly"
USA Economic Solution

The USA debt is currently at, $15,223 Trillion

Despite having a $16,384 Trillion investment kitty, at most only $4.096 Trillion can go to the USA government, and that involves buying the land from the USA, not privately, and this is a factor I have no data on.

However $4.096 Trillion would definitely help, as we need something as a stop gap before the “American Butterfly” kicks in. We are looking at $1.65 Trillion added this year and much the same the year after, and that is presuming Europe does not go bust, which very few would bet against. As such, it is desired that a plan be made, the model however will still work without the bulk of the $4.096 Trillion, all be it slower.

I have set myself a target of both making a saving the USA $3.2 Trillion a year within 4 years.
So let’s have a look a few ways we will accomplish this,

1. Tax: Three years ago, the USA Gov stated they believed there was $350 Billion in unpaid tax. The system not only calculates and pays tax, it will do it in real time, thus creating additional cash flow

2. Medicare & Medicade $743 Billion: Every town or suburb, be it 1 sq km or 1000 sq km’s will have excellent hospitals, linked to the medical and pharmaceutical development sections of the university. In four years one would how to have a substitute drug for 90% of all Americans needs. Few would argue that we can half this figure so saving $370

3. Social Security, Unemployment, and Welfare $1,266 Trillion: 16 New Sparta Cities will house $31,244,288. Due to “Give Half Back” all welfare is covered as is schooling. My first priority is single mothers, (a promise I made, that started everything) plus there is a lot we can learn from children! Addressing this problem, is addressing the problems of the future. Qualifications or no qualifications, we have thousands of universities. And in my life, I’ve rarely seen any difference is a worker with or without an academic record.

Whole families on welfare second, that must be quite a burden on the state, if we consider half the residents will be working, we are directly creating 15.5 Million jobs that’s more than all the official unemployed.

Consider all the above I’d hope to take another $300 of the bill.

4. Oil, I may be out here, but it seems the USA spends about $450 Billion a year on importing Oil, I’ve been trying to work out how many Dams (Mountain not river, cant hurt the fish) it would take to cover this figure could it be done for $4 Trillion I wonder, if so, the Oil companies will happily invest in such a venture, even at $8 Trillion its still a good deal considering they won’t have any oil left in 20 years and a properly constructed Dam will last for a hundred’s of years.

The deal of course would be until the USA economy is nicely in profit, the power is for free.

Its possible here that we are looking at another $300

So far we are at $1,320 and we have not even considered the “American Butterfly”

5. Assessing the tax yield from the new EEE companies is tricky as we need to factor in the current USA companies that will join, which may be all of them, as such it will just be a transference.

We can however factor the companies that invested the $16,384 Trillion, and it would be naive to consider they would be generating less that $1 Trillion, however that may be business taken from another as such maybe $500 Billion is more appropriate.

One industry to consider is construction, construction companies will be extremely busy and would most likely generate an extra $200 Billion a year…

And we have broken the $2 Trillion mark at $2,020 Trillion.

6. Increased efficiency across the entire private sector due to software network and in general improved technology and think tanks from the universities.

$400 Billion seems like a nice figure to be debated.

7. In general the global recession being over so trade and taxes are restored to pre recession levels

$400 Billion is about what the Wikipedia date suggests.

$2,820 Trillion.

8. Sienna.gov could do a lot more than just collect tax, I don’t wish to be obtuse, but from what I have seen the USA internal networks and financial software are shocking, I’ll refer to my notes

“2009: Ok in general they overspent by $400 Billion over the Budget which was $400B over income forecast which in return was over estimated by $600 Billion and somewhere they managed to spend another $400B on top which was the estimated deficit.”

This is not good, budgets need to be stuck to, forecasts need to be accurate and overspending in general is ill advised, the president, the party and congress, need very simple real time figures, if one is making a profit, great, if not, all hands to the pump, as opposed to looking at the figures a year after events and blaming the accountants.

I expect there is up to a trillion to be saved and made if the USA were to use the software, but I’ll be safe and half that to $500 Billion

$3,420 Trillion.

And there we have it without, touching the defense or any discretionary budgets, we can half all estimates and still be strong, as we are yet to consider