The Spartan Theory: Book 1, Chapter 14
“American Butterfly”
The Auction
– Investment models

To many this page is the most important paper, if you have been following the presentation you know we need $16 trillion, and it is to be spent building eco cities containing practice universities across the USA.

The $16 Trillion is not to pat off the USA debt, which is giving a fish not teaching how to fish, a permanent solution is needed.

A quick recap on how the investment is spent.
25% land procurement (preferably from the government)
25% Infrastructure (including alternate energy power source
25% building allowance (villas, apartments, shops & offices)
25% University (staff, development, branding and pr)

This investment model sees an immediate capital asset to investors, worth more than the initial investment,
Add the software, business plans, networks, accelerated technology, global power providing and the general love of the people, on paper we have an attractive investment opportunity.

We also need to consider the USA itself, given the recovery plan; a more desirable location to invest in does not exist.
We do however need to consider basic human physiology: people want what they can’t have, our primary instincts to gather and store food for survival dates back to our primitive ape descendents

Globally there is over $16 trillion available in the world , China $4T, the Oil field owners alone would have half this amount, all be it how much is net worth compared to available funds I can not say.

Global corporations like VIRGIN, if they wished to they could raise $100 Billion, and there are many global corporations, the pharmaceutical companies as a whole are generating over $250 Billion in profit, add small large and big companies, add land owners, countries and the general public, and we are far above target.

This said, “American Butterfly is not solely about the USA, global recovery is desired, as this in itself will aid the USA.
We are not looking specifically at GDP or other economic factors, they play their part, but if they were the main factor the problem would be easier to solve by traditional methods. We are concentrating on the debt, fix the debt, and fix the economy, as highlighted in Chapter/Paper 10: The Beautiful Butterfly Effect - Predictive Quantum Software.

On paper the global solution is relatively simple: Make USA, Canada & Europe profitable and assist Japan, problem solved. Here is a global debt map, courtesy of “The Economist”

One fundamental rule of EEE (Ecological Experience Economy) is “Take only what you need” that way there is enough to go around.

The below plan, takes into account, the negative people and companies who simply will not accept that:

1. An idea or concept made by another can never work.
2. Life can be better.
3. Following nature is the key to science and progression.

As such, I will present a plan, which only the darkest and confused mind could argue with.

As such, we will not look for an initial $16 trillion rather $4 Trillion, this will come from corporations, large company’s wealthy individuals and countries.

The following $4 Trillion will come in over the next 4 years, made up of as many small investors as possible
As with any investment, it is best to spread ownership between as many investors as possible. In the case of “businessbook” (The Global trade Network) the more SME’s and sole traders the more there will be global willingness to use the product.

There are 7 Billion people in the world, 1 billion can’t afford food, 2 Billion use the internet, if we try to target at least 4 Billion people each would need to pay $1,000. Obviously there are not $4 Billion people with $1,000 to spare.

However there are certainly enough companies and countries that would be willing to partner with individuals, not a loan, a partnership, they pay the money, and split the shares with the citizens

Let’s consider China, population: 1.3 Billion, China has over $3 Trillion in cash reserves, spending $1000 on each citizen, would cost less than half their reserve and be immensely popular with the citizens. The same model will work for many countries.

Top 10 Largest Forex Reserves*
1. China: $3.2 trillion
2. Japan: $1.2 trillion
3. Russia: $516 billion
4. Saudi Arabia: $484 billion
5. Taiwan: $400 billion
6. Brazil: $352 billion
7. India: $318 billion
8. South Korea: $311 billion
9. Switzerland: $289 billion
10. Hong Kong: $277 billion

With the exception of India all have cash reserves, to afford to do this. |

This investment model is preferred to any other as it will make the world accepting of the totality of The Global Trade Network. I only highlighted counties investing in their citizens, if we create such demand for shares, banks & businesses will also partner with citizens.

4 Trillion is starting to look like a very achievable target.

In chapter 6: The Bee’s – Small to medium enterprises, we look at a travel example, that targets the entire travel industry, again, spreading the shares as thinly as possible, this example is not specific to aiding businessbook, but in general the total travel ambitions of S-World, which can only be a good thing as it reduces costs for tourists and greatly improves quality and reliability.

This model can be used for just about every industry.

So one way or the other that’s the second $4 Trillion taken care of

As such we are at $8 trillion in 4 years.

Note: it does not matter if the money comes in sooner than estimated.

From here we have 3 ways to raise the next $8Trillion in order of preference.

More individual small share owners

More SME’s

More Big companies corporations and countries

The expansion of EEE companies via “POP” (Chapter 1 Pressure of Profit)

Before we move on, a word on the desired companies and countries for Phase 1 (The first $4 Trillion)

At only $4 Trillion, we will be heavily over subscribed, so we need to think strategically about who we let invest, remembering it is important to have as many different investors as possible. What we are really trying to do is make the investment so desirable that countries and companies see value in buying individuals shares on a 50/50 basis.
Suggested company list

1. Pharmaceutical companies.

These are the most vulnerable companies, and in many ways the most useful.

Vulnerable, as if we can not get their formulas we will divert huge recourses in making like for like drugs, the public simply knowing this will see an immediate fire sale of their shares, which on one hand means we could just buy the companies.

However the EEE motto is “never leave a man behind” and it would not be fair for all pharmaceutical company share holders to loose their money.
Further vulnerable, as in 2 years most medicine will have been formularized and mass produced for free, any company not on board will go bust.

Useful as they already have the formulas and patents so we could start with the world distribution immediately.

In the USA the drug companies make about $100 Billion a year in profits, as such a $200 Billion investment at 25% dividend return is equal to half their current profit, further as companies duplicate (POP) their profit will increase, to further excite them we can allow them choice of industry, businessbook for instance: Global GDP at $75 trillion expected to rise substantially and businessbook taking up to $10% profits will reach over $7.5 Trillion, A very safe investment.

We need to consider other global companies probably make a similar amount, but further consider the Euro Zone investment as such we have a balance.

One last note, considering the immediate good they will do to the world, their branding will make them universally loved, as such no matter what industry they choose to work in they will be extremely successful.

2. Technology companies:

Much the same as pharmaceutical companies, essential partners, excellent opportunity to get a flying start. We need to let all companies have the opportunity to make profit levels the same as they are now. Considering the collective research at the University, any technology company not allowed in will be bust in a couple of years.

I have little raw data, I will estimate tech companies make double the amount the pharmaceuticals do as such we are looking at $400 Billion.

3. Oil, Energy, Gas etc:

Not including these companies would be destabilizing, in one way with ambitions to drastically reduce fossil fuel usage we are cutting into their profits, on the other hand we are securing a longer source of revenue.

Of all investment opportunities creating and providing alternate energy, especially considering the presumed increase in efficiency output with millions of people working on the problem. As such it would make perfect sense for such companies to invest, one thing is for certain, people will always need energy, its also quite possible people will at first be happy to pay a little more for clean energy, much in the same way people pay more for eggs from free range chickens.

Oil, Energy & Gas companies and field owners have trillions of dollars to spend, if we capped investment at $500 Billion, considering this is less than one man in the industry has Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan we are looking at very high demand, very little supply.

However, if any company wished to invest more, specifically in building alternate energy sources, I cant see any harm in breaking the rules and going over $4 Trillion.

4. Banks and financial institutions

For the software to work, we need to be hardwired into banks and financial institutions, they will not be so willing without a direct benefit however we really have only got $500 Billion to offer.

We have taken care of the “Must Have Industries” and made a $1.6 Trillion cap, that leaves options of $2.4 Trillion

5. Big businesses, conglomerates, corporations.

There will be some companies that are more useful than others, companies that would be serious competitors, have patents we need, strategically placed, etc.

We can allocate $400 Billion options to them

Companies that are willing to share shares with their staff would be desired

In general the more the shares are spread the quicker companies will adopt the network.

If we look at $1 Trillion between all the world Big businesses, conglomerates & corporations, we will be heavily oversubscribed. I have estimated VIRIN group alone capable of a quarter of that. Thus we will likely have at least 10 applicants for each share.

6. Countries

I suggest we first only offer shares to countries that are willing to buy shares for their citizens in the second round.

I had considered only allowing countries that do not have debt to apply, however considering this method is the fastest way for them to get out of debt, that rule is now redundant.

Like before the spread of investment should come from as many individual countries as possible, whilst paying due respect to strategic partners>

We only have $1 Trillion left, with 196 countries which is just over $ 5 Billion each, and with China sitting on $3 Trillion and only having a guaranteed option for $5 Billion, its one 600th of what would make a sensible investment.

And that is what you call, creating demand!