“The Spartan Theory” Book 1, Chapter 12
American Butterfly

9.30 pm GMT - Sunday January 29th 2011

I’m going to make a spreadsheet showing the recovery effects.
I will need to consider small businesses both more surviving and more growing
Further, any other ideas not included or not thought of, defense being one.

9.46 am GMT - Monday January 30th 2011

An end to sleepless nights.

Dear _____________

All around me keep saying I should concentrate on making money for myself, which makes particular sense for my parents who have little, in many ways it is my duty to do this, and so afford them a degree of luxury in their latter years.

However those that know, you included understand that we have three maybe four years left before it is too late. Your personal comment when asked when we should take action “About 10 years ago”. As such I expect you sleep little.

The USA is indeed showing signs of recovery, but as we know, this is a false hope for three main reasons.

1. Even if the USA recovers and gets its debt ratio down to $500 Billion a year, (the figure most seem to be aiming for) this will take two maybe three years, by which time, the USA interest alone will be $600 Billion and the $500 (GDP Ratio +/-5%) would in effect be $1 Trillion. This cannot be avoided, and the USA cannot afford $1 Trillion a year.

As such the most optimistic of estimates, simply is not possible due to the interest

2. This aside, the USA cannot see any return to normality without Eurozone recovery, which is getting worse on a daily basis.

3. No matter what Europe and the USA economies do, as things stand, going into the future the USA cannot even nearly afford its Medicare and Medicade programs.

Knowing this, what is the point in me trying to make money for me, and my parents, what is the point? As such, all I concentrate on is “American Butterfly”, “Ecological Experience Economy” (EEE), Sienna’s World (S-World), The Spartan Theory or as most recently entitled: “Ecologically Protected Capitalism” (EPC)

Ecologically protected capitalism, is entitle for two reasons, firstly the company structure is similar to a tree’s feeding of its leaves, with all the inside of the tree protected and the leaves alone, much like the millions of small businesses at “The edge of Chaos” But equally, the yet to be undefined science that has throughout the S-World presentation, continually shown, that the more we look to protect nature, even to the detriment of the business plan, the more benefits miraculously appear. As such “Ecologically Protected Capitalism” (EPC)

Here I have added a $500 Billion war saving, which no one will argue as wise, I’ve amended the Bush Tax cuts and shaved a little of the Medicare and Gov performance, plus added a column that calculates total USA debt.
Here we see the USA in the black by 2024.

Dear Sir, you know how bad it is, even if we cut Medicare in half, cut the defence budget in half and repealed all the bush tax cuts, and the recession ends in 3 years with interest at 500 and we are still at $1 Trillion a year, a completely unsustainable figure.

Sample introduction: “American Butterfly” An end to sleepless nights.

You will not find one economist in the world, who has studied the USA economic crisis who will not agree that the USA is terminal! At best repealing the Bush tax cuts, halving the defence budget, a complete USA and Global recovery and halving social security, Medicare & Medicaid will buy time and time alone.

If all the above miraculously happened by 2014, the USA will have saved….

INRERESTING NOTE: The social security figures were a lot higher that I thought.

- $695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
- $571 billion (+58.6%) – Unemployment/Welfare/Other mandatory spending

Social security is mainly for the elderly, pensions etc. This is to be added to, not taken away. Unemployment/Welfare is the item that EEE addresses; maybe totally, I’ll amend the spreadsheet