What exactly is it that you want to do?
(Zenda Scholtz 24th May 2011)

1.      With the worlds leading Internet and Software companies: Create S-World and develop it as "The next evolution in Internet Social & Business Networking"
2.      Create a press, film, media, TV and print PR consortium to raise public awareness
3.      Create a further 14 business consortiums to trade and communicate in via S-World
4.      Create "The Sienna Foundation" that takes 50% of dividends of all 16 companies and redistributes the wealth and in so doing: "Move the masses in a desired direction" (String Theory)
5.      Utilize our PR consortium to make the world aware, that every time someone buys a product from a company that displays the Sienna Brand they are giving back to the planet.
6.      Long term objective, to help others to create other companies using the simple "Sienna Economic theory" (Give half back) until near every trade on the planet see's ½ the profit going to good causes.

"The Sienna Foundation"

The best way to describe the set up of the "Sienna Foundation" is to simply listen to three quotes made by its founder.

Open letter to Sir Richard Branson: 12.02 GMT, Wednesday 6th April 2011

1. "I promised my daughter I would dedicate my life to good. Since then I realized that if you consider Advanced Economics from a Non Profit perspective one can achieve anything."

Private SMS to Dumani Mandela: 18.39 GMT Friday 20th May 2011

2. "This is a good business plan and I deserve 50 Percent. But I give all my money, every last cent to "The Sienna Foundation" Charity first, Then Ecological improvement and Economic stability."

Filmscript/letter to Mark Zuckerberg: Saturday evening 12th June 2011

3. " Well im known for saying" I dont want it, ill give it away, every last cent" but everyone thought I was mad, so im going to keep some, but half of all S-World companies divedents must be used for good"