“The Spartan Theory” Part 3, Chapter 51
"The Virtual Network"
Dear Diary – Feb 24th to 6th March
Sports Media, Energy & and an Executive Summary

10.15 pm GMT – Friday 24th February 2011

Ok, executive summary day, or at least the first draught, I’ve been looking forward to this for many months. A bonus is, by writing in journal format and presenting same, I get to show all the workings for the executive summary, which in many ways will be more useful than the summary itself.

3 pages is all one is allowed, this can be cheated to a certain extent by making the font and heading smaller and the page space bigger, maybe I will need to do that maybe I won’t.

Ok, so let’s consider the content, the major points that need to be included.

1. Draw the reader’s attention to the PQS spreadsheet, all be it if it’s on paper that can’t happen, as such I either need to attach a separate page featuring it, or make references to its results and copy in the results bar showing the standard (no win) scenario, and how much the medical initiative alone effects the outcome, then list the other 10 or so
2. The various software designs
3. Businessbook
4. The resort/resorts
5. US Economic analysis

12.34 pm GMT – Friday 24th February 2012

Ok, rant time, maybe this will be edited out maybe it won’t, for every knock I take, it seems within a matter of hours my mind kicks into overdrive, “I must double my efforts” and a bout of extreme positively occurs.

There is an argument that this is Gaia Theory, having taken me so far, it’s not going to let anything stop me. Gaia theory is simply “The Earth will protect itself” and with every credible scientist referring to nature as not only inspiration but the ultimate force in the universe, there is the argument, certainly the majority of my inspiration comes from nature on my walks, the idea however that there is more to “Gaia Theory” than simply inspiration delves into the mythical and the spiritual, something that to most detracts greatly from my credibility.

Well, we have already read the introduction to “The Sienna Project” and if one has read the summary of the first 13 chapters http://www.s-world.biz/The_Social_Network_2/The_Virtual_Network_2_Chapter_43.htm one would be aware that there is already a very spiritual side to this project and just like Einstein and most credited scientists and theorists, this is not an economic project, this is a consciousness experiment.

As mentioned earlier, there is a lot more to, “The Spartan Theory” than just the global economy, this is simply a means to an end, a way to make money to address the bigger picture, which is not just the health of the worlds citizens and ecology, it has a further ambition to reach Gliese 581, preferably within my lifetime, and with Global GDP about 70Trillion and likely to rise to 100Trillion+ after EEE take 5% for the project plus additional funds from grateful or simply want to impress governments, and we are looking at a good $8Trillion a year for the project.

If we analyze that with a space shuttle costing $1,7 Billion a year, and a mission at just under half a billion, that equates to roughly 16,000 launches a year, for mass production increased payload capacity we can easily go to 30,000 launches a year, times this by 16 years and we are at close to half a million launches. That’s enough to take enough raw materials into space to build a pretty big ship. Gliese 581 is only 20 Million light years away, and with say 20 nuclear reactors firing at once meeting little resistance as space is in a vacuum one can surely reach 75% of light speed as such the journey will take just over 26 years, all told 42 years by which time I’ll be 82. On paper, on this paper, it’s very possible.

What has this got to do with Gaia Theory, well its simple enough, maybe it’s not just the earth will protect itself, its nature will protect itself and with nuclear weapons readily available, the Yellowstone Park planet killer volcano due to explode any time now, the earth’s core getting weaker and the constant threat of another planet killer asteroid, having a backup plan such as creating life on another planet, makes a lot of sense, for nature.

As for the side effects of the world uniting in a common mission, an incredible hope, it’s the biggest peace initiate possible, as such it’s by itself the biggest economic initiative of all. If nothing else it makes for an excellent subplot to “The Sienna Project” (“Sienna the Movie”) which I wish to be “Science Theory” not Science Fiction”
What do I believe; am I a liability in terms of spirituality?

12 months ago my spirituality was a liability, all be it a great source for vision and creativity, however I have come to satisfactory conclusions, and by belief system is now in two parts.

1. I do believe consciousness is a force, it exists so it must be, and maybe its part of the quantum dimensions String Theories often referred to, maybe it’s not. I do believe that Sienna’s consciousness exists, but in what fashion I cannot say.

2. My main belief however is in mathematics, mathematics is pure, it can be reasoned with and if applied correctly it will never let you down.

But what brought on the pre mentioned “every knock I take” well it was last evening with my parents and their friends; I explained the economics and the threat to the USA and subsequently the world in terms of GDP. Not seeming to care, I explained the issue in terms of the human consequence, something Dumani Mandela has spelt out 6 months ago after reading my first “Chaos Theory” based paper on EEE http://www.s-world.biz/Sparta_Rises_Again/EEE-14Billion_Years.htm

He appreciated the Philanthropy and in part the science, but like many was under the assumption that the world simply could not get better as companies and governments on mass are, well corrupt. And who am I to argue with Nelson Mandela’s favorite grandson, he said, the debt in the west would spiral out of control leading to civil war in most countries then nuclear war, all be it not really effecting third world countries that are basically economically stable as they have no social security or medical plans and as such are used to it.

This was indeed working, so my work turned to the political inspirations, and so the transition from a Greek Economic solution to an American and Euro zone started to unfold.

If we look at the PQS-PE editions predictions, financial implosion is less than 5 years away for America, their citizens will not take well to all medical, social security and welfare payments being taken away in favor of the massive internal military spending that will have to take place to stop the mass protests and rioting, it will end much like the film Ledged, with the rich encamped in huge walled cities and the poor reverting to third world conditions, much like South Africa is today. All be it, I believe the once proud American citizens will not be as subservient and accepting as the township folk of Africa.

The predictions from the PQS are inaccurate in places and we are really looking at a few years later as I have used a factor of 3.3 yearly from the 48,000 to 80,000 baby boomer stat where in effect the baby boomers come in more of a wave starting at the beginning of the 20’s.

Knowing this, I do say, that I am not trying to make an economic solution, I am literally trying to save the world, and what’s wrong with that, the same philosophy is found in all ecological lovers and protestors, all be it instead of one tree at a time, I’m looking at a more instant solution. Wrong, right, who cares, I could have acted without conscious and taken the VIRGIN deal which would have made me a billionaire, but I decided not to, however it seems whenever I mention my ambitions, I don’t get thanked, I don’t even get ignored, I just get insulted, and I guess that’s due to my preserved position, which makes me think about the concern about my preserved position by your organization “The Corniche Group” So far all I am is a serf, a servant, as all in the travel industry should be.

It is not known, that at the age of ten I programmed code, or that I passed my maths O’ level at 14. It’s not known that from 15 to 29 I worked as a music programmer, which involved networking many machines together and getting them to communicate. Further it’s not known that at 29 I took to internet programming and within 2 months was talking to the senior US development Macromedia (now Adobe) about their software faults, only to be told, I was right and no one had pushed it so far before.

You don’t know that they advised me to use Flash, I went to lectures and saw a virtual tour that I wished to turn into a Virtual World (S-World) and they said it could not be done, only for me to do it, years before anyone else. You don’t know that it got accepted as a digital TV channel, then with the grandsons of Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela I headed a bid to bring Saber GDS to Africa (Global Distribution System (a crude version of Businessbook).

Who was to know, Cape Villas was just one of many websites I made and due to it making money it was a means to an end to raise money to make and develop this project. Who was to know that it was the software failures that slowed down the development via loosing me money, and my financial troubles of two years ago was largely due to myself risk taking and plowing every penny I has into this project, only to be thwarted by an incompetent web team that made the Experience Africa website in a fashion that only worked for Mac’s, by the time it was fixed, the staff and shop had gone and so had the advertising money.

This is who I am and this is what I’ve done, of course Cape Villas gave me great experience at property and resorts, but that’s not who I am, I have had experience in all aspects that are mentioned with the S-World work, and to top it off I managed to get a company that was $700,000 in debt that made turnover of only $250,000 a year out of debt in less than two years without seeding any ownership, so I know some magic economics. One could also mention that said company was the world leader, as I have personally designed and published the broacher that brought you to me, a broacher so well presented that BVGARI phoned up and offered to pay for the next one.

And this was before I even started “The Spartan Theory” or EEE or American Butterfly” This is who I am and I am so tired of only being able to talk to people of limited experience and or intelligence, and so looking forward to talking to team The Corniche

Rant over; I wonder if I will leave this in?

Ok, Walk time and back to the Executive Summary.

Wow, what an additional concept for the announcement of EEE, far too much to write down, not in content, rather … well it’s just to amazing right now.

Ok and back to the executive summary, the main new idea I have had is how to counter the argument that property development and resort developments are simply not a viable business plan during the current climate, which if true and probably it is, given its listed first on The Corniche Groups website as endeavors will be something they have great knowledge on.

The answer is simple for one resort or for 8000 plus, property resorts usually rely on selling property, the S-World resorts or if given legislative powers at some time in the future “Sienna Republics” do not rely on selling property at all, the property is simply collateral for investors, simple and if I do say so myself quite brilliant.

Another thought is that we need to get into the PQS straight away, as it not only explains the true scale of the problem, it quickly explains the solution, plus it’s a very good bit of math, that will impress the money and financial assessors.

Let’s have a go with a very short introduction.

The Spartan Theory, Presents
“American Butterfly”

Dear Mr. Farsi, Mr. Chavance, Tanya & The Corniche Group

Just under a year ago, I contacted Tanya informing her that I had developed an economic theory; she kindly gave me a senior associate’s email address. I did however feel it needed more work. Since then I have taken a leave of absence from my business activities and have worked on it, every single day, it has not been sent or shown to any other company.

From the title of this paper, you will see it is aimed at America, it is however global, not only does it show the way to global prosperity, it addresses fossil fuel usage, world health, peace in the Middle East and space exploration. Of course this is too much for anyone to take in or believe, as such, for now, if you prefer, consider the Economic Theory as the world’s greatest PR plan, the theory can’t be argued, but its implementation in totality can, however all will wish it to pass ,and as such all will be supportive of the basic business plan.

Financially there are pros and cons to both sides, one major aspect ‘businessbook” is better served with 32,000 operation centers, however the various software concepts are far more profitable if the capital raised is destined for just one, an example in just one industry “travel” create $20 Million annually for an operation centre in the economic plan, however as a standalone business plan it creates $100 Billion or so as there is no internal competition. It should be noted that the stand alone plan and economic plan do not require any government concessions.

I’d like to draw your attention to the attached spreadsheet “PQS” – Predictive Quantum Software”, so named as it assimilates the very large: “Global GDP” to the very small: "dollars and cent’s”. You are probably not aware of how bad the situation in the USA is, from the figures projected by the PQS it seems, that even the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) are not fully aware, all be it they do agree it seems to be without cure considering USA politics not being able to make the “Politically Toxic” cuts necessary.

The trouble the CBO, and respected economist such as Allan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke have, is they have no flair, their presentation boring, added to the fact no one wants to hear what they have to say, their message is lost, and as such to quote Ben Bernanke the Chairman of the Federal Reserve when asked: How urgently should the U.S. put plans in place to address its budget challenges? His reply: "The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more difficult the objectives are going to be. I think the right time to start was about 10 years ago. This quote was made 5 years ago.

As such to get the message across, one need’s to present it with flair and imagination, one needs to make the audience ask questions, allow them to adjust the starting factors to their own content, engage them and entertain them. As such I present the figures in the form of a game, “The Kobayashi Maru GDP GAME” so named from the unwinnable scenario created by Spock in Star Trek, made to test ones resolve in an unwinnable situation.

If you are reading this on paper without access to the PQS spreadsheet, I will describe it, it factors in only mandatory (must be paid by law) US spending, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and Interest on national debt, for the record the remaining expenses are equal to approximately $1.8Trillion or 13% of GDP. It is well presented and allows you to put in and change all relevant economic factors: Medicare inflation, enrolment, tech costs and prescription costs, the same for Medicaid, all be it without enrolment, Social Security Cola’s and enrolment, Interest rates from 2015, current Medicare and Medicaid costs, estimated borrowing, estimated increase in borrowing & GDP increases from 2012.

All fields can be changed to cover any scenario, and it display results up to 2033 one also has the option of inputting individual yearly figures. It starts off with baseline figures that most would accept. Its results, terrifying

GDP Predictions
Government Tax Yield Usually Equals 18% GDP
GDP Typically reduces by 1.3 to 2% when GDP Debt Ratio = 90%

Please remember we need to add 13% to the GDP figures for other expenses, if you are unfamiliar with GDP, just consider it a measure of tax revenue, usually 18%, high taxes 23%, it is the only real yardstick to measure future economic scenarios,

No matter which way you calculate the “The Kobayashi Maru GDP GAME” you lose, even if you program the USA not borrowing a single cent from now on you lose.

As early as 2021, with the additional static other expenses’ at 13% you hit government costs at 32% close to double what they will bring in. This is due to two factors, one over the last 60 years Social security & Medicare social insurance funds have been mismanaged, its surplus money used for other spending and tax cuts resulting is a +/- $55 Trillion dollar shortfall. This combined with rising medicine and medical technology costs and the Baby boom generation soon to swell from 48 million to 80 million recipients creates a no win scenario without severe draconian measures of not paying out on the social insurance funds the USA spent on other factors, in other words no pensions and no medical for the elderly and needy despite the fact that they have been paying for it all their lives. It is said that without these benefits 30 Million US citizens would die, in ten years that’s 60 million.

It is this problem which is at the heart of the USA debt crisis, as it is not the debt rather the lack of confidence in the USA to repay its debt due to its obligations, get rid of that problem and confidence is resorted and they can even continue to borrow $1.5 Trillion a year and stay solvent.

In Star Trek, a bright student named James T Kirk was named as the only man to win “The Kobayashi Maru GDP GAME”, he cheated in a way, by hacking the computer, but a win is a win.

The EEE solution (Ecological Experience Economy) is not cheating or hacking, it is however totally effective, just one of 10 major benefits solves the problem. Here are the results, of just one of the 10 initiatives.

In comparison to current annalists

There is nothing that can be done about Social security, it’s an insurance program that people have paid for all their lives and is relied upon by millions.

However there is something that can be done about the medical, and it comes in 4 parts, all pays of “The Spartan Theory” adapted to USA economics, firstly you reduce the costs of nurses and doctors wages in a manor they will appreciate, second you drastically reduce the cost of prescription drugs and medicines, thirdly you slow down the increase in medical technologies and lastly you build just over 8,000 new supper hospitals and staff them.

Impossible, not at all, in fact it’s easy and much more can be achieved, it will however require you reading the accompanying document “The Purple Emperor” chapter 51 of “The Spartan Theory” specially written for The Corniche Group to really get the picture or more to the point to get the mathematics as that’s the defining item.

I will however give a brief explanation; firstly you start with a property development plan, a resort with all the trimmings of desirability. Your company has great experience in this field and will I’m sure immediately say now is not the time to build a holiday resort, as no one is buying houses. Well in this scenario this is not a problem, the houses do not need to be sold, they are simply security for the investors, depending where the development is, California, Ohio, Maine the property value will be equal to either the investment or 6 times the investment as soon at the property market picks up, and seeing as investment options are extremely limited, no one investing is going to need to sell their security straight away.

If the property is just security, what are investor’s inviting in?

Software, Networks, branding, energy and next generation economics


First my history/qualifications

I first programmed code at age 11 on a ZX 81, Happy Birthday for my mother (The ZX81 did not have a music program, it was pure code)

Math is important in code, I passed my math’s O Level at age 14

At 15 I bought a Roland Drum machine, I sang and played in a band, our only gig, had one review, “Terrible, but amazing drum programming”

At 17 I bought the Roland W30 sampler sequencer (the first of its kind), here I created whole songs, and whist it will not sound like much, mastered the groove quantize.

At 19 I made my first record (Free by X-Static) this led to a further 10 years in the business with over 30 releases, including the No1 remix of Babylon Zoo’s Spacemen, and Cross fader Dominator by Sniper, Radio one song of the week, featured on FIFA 2000 soccer.

My last song, (by the same band) was disliked by the band, but I switched Dat tapes and it was released, it went straight to Number 1 in the DJ Mag Big Beat charts.

Music programming was very different in the 90’s, it involved synchronizing 30 or more computers via midi, having to offset the timing of all to allow for the sequence of events (no two notes can be played at the same time), all in all not only 13 years experience in programming but also 13 years experience in networking.

Like many Q-Bass programmers at the end of the 90’s I switched to internet & desktop publishing programming, Photoshop, Quark, Dreamweaver and Fireworks, Fireworks, I pushed past its limits and was passed from UK tech to senior developers to discuss its shortcomings, they had never heard of someone trying do such advanced work, thanked me for my input but said, the problems would take years to fix and advised I use their New program “Flash”

Attending a lecture on flash in London, I saw the first virtual tour, a spinning view of mountains in the Alps, I found my calling and knew exactly what I wanted to do, as I had recently chosen to move to Cape Town to start the IT company “Cape Go”, unfortunately when asked, Macromedia admitted, it was only the sound/song (Kylie’s “I’m spinning around”) that was in flash, the movie was in Director, which created large files unsuited for the web. Macromedia claimed it could not be made in Flash.

Two years later, with the assistance of some open source material and a java script programmer, I had made the world’s first Virtual Tour, featuring 20 or so, beautiful pictures of Cape Town, some that took over 8 hours and hundreds of photographs to create, the two years at photography college paying off at last.

I applied this tour to one of a number of travel websites I had created called Cape Villas and it created many bookings, I had my first profit, making it based travel business. The year before, I had mastered the hacking of Google, become a member of their personal search engine results team “DMOZ” in charge of restaurants and bars, and had taken great enjoyment from Michael Campbell’s, “Revenge of the Mininet” which is not the common for hacking Google, but further I was mesmerized by his affiliate marketing phrase “Why bother with Search Engine Optimization at all, just make an affiliate website and let thousands of others do the work for you: You could argue that this one phrase was the most influential phrase I have ever heard, As in essence EEE and American butterfly are simply extremely elaborate affiliate marketing exercises.

In early 2003 South Africa changed its work Visa requirement meaning I would need to invest a further $130,000 on top of the initial sum, I did not have this sum, however on viewing my work, the Department of Trade and industry gave me an exception stating Cape Go as a possible future great IT company

I wished to progress the Virtual World which by 2003 covered many more vistas, including Johannesburg and Sun City, in Johannesburg I met up with Dumani Mandela, Shaka & Moweaqua Sisulu, in no time we had SA’s satellite network offering us a dedicated Digital TV channel, and it was time to make money from it, as such we needed to connect it to a GDS, (Global Distribution System) After much discussion with Galileo, we swapped ships along with some Galileo staff and I chaired a bid to bring Saber GDS to Africa.

Unfortunately in my absence, the businesses were losing money, and I had to return to Cape Town, the bid for Saber unsuccessful, and the Galileo route to expensive, without knowledge of how to make and present a business plan or financials, this was the end of seeking investment for the Virtual World GDS TV project, and I concentrated on the businesses at hand, Cape Villas, Cap Hotels & Cape Luxury Cars.

Without an automated admin system linked to a GDS, the hotel industry was far too much administration, and people kept putting scratches on the cars and staff would not notice, so I dropped all companies except Cape Villas, a simple spread sheet had been created to record payment deposits and future payments due, this worked fine, up until the disastrous decision of hiring an accounting company and dedicated admin staff, I’ll not go into detail, as Its been mentioned countless times before, however to work out that the admin system “Pastel” did not work for my industry took, 7 years four financial managers, two accountants firms, $300,000 spent on staff attempting to get it to work and lost about the same by fraud, negligence and theft due to it not working and, as such the books and the bank account were an open checkbook to all. This software only cost $150 to buy but cost me over half a million dollars to find out it did not work. This said, at the end of the experience I knew exactly what its shortcomings were and how to make financial software that did work,

During those 7 years I created a number of elements, which are significant to the S-World software designs. In 2004 I created an online calendaring and booking system that meant owners of properties could log into their properties and update availability details, the following years, this function became an ADS (Alternate Distribution System) with 50 or so properties displayed, which could be looked at by the public and tour operators around the world. This was significant as it meant Tour operators had instant availability information.

In 2006 “Customer Service rankings were added, all be it, it took two permanent staff to get the reviews then upload them onto the website, as such this operation was stopped two years later.

From 2007 to 2009, the start of a frustrating process trying to customize a CRM program to the systems, having attempted to do so 3 years before only to find Pastels, “Act” it ultimately proved to buggy. Three years later they had sorted out the bugs, however much like pastel, it needed to be customized to the travel industry, something that needed expert assistance, and with only one man in Africa recommended by Act, who, no matter how much you offered to pay him above his usual rate could only give two hours a month, this ended up as a uphill battle, two staff were assigned the job of getting it to work, after 4 months we gave up, and moved to a SA based reservations system Semper, here again, after paying the money doing the training for 20 or so staff there was an anomaly in the accounting method that meant we could not use it, the owner said “I’ll look at it next year”

In 2008 two initiatives were made, firstly to expand the Villa network throughout Africa as such Leading Villas of Africa was born, or LV Africa, secondly I created a well received magazine in Photoshop, the next year it was distributed with Conde Nast Traveler and the first person to phone me direct was Tanya Capper. Soon after BVGARI called wishing to sponsor the next edition, so a decision was made to upscale both the magazine concept and LV Africa to cover all luxury accommodation, and Experience Africa was born, new shop, new staff new beginning as cape Villas had descended into chaos with power struggles and utter financial inefficiency.

Unfortunately the website looked good, as per my design, but it was created on a Macintosh and would not work on a PC, this took 8 months to fix, by which time, I had had to let the staff go and lost the shop. This meant the additional revenue expected was not made, and combined with the financial inefficiency meant by early 2010 I was close to bankruptcy.

The problems with the finance were largely due to the property management division meaning for every one villa payment there were a further 200 or so journal entrees made. I discontinued the property management division, and vowed, if the companies survived, I would not attempt expanding any businesses until I had made software that worked.

With less staff and no property management division, the companies made profit for the first time in 4 years, plus the Experience Africa website was complete (to a fashion) The concept of this website was affiliate marketing, in essence it could be duplicated many times, as such for all that used it, they would pay us/me a commission of their revenue, the first to make a duplicate were Sotheby’s, they added their real estate and so the original site now had additional content, the game was on, each new website would bring more affiliate commission, more direct bookings and more content. Whist a very simple concept, it had not been done before and would lead to great financial gains without any advertising or marketing costs, all be it I needed a programmer to make the duplicates, so the adverts went in and the interviewing process began.

Then tragedy struck as my only darling daughter Sienna died at the age of 8 months from an unknown neurological disease, I left for England to stay with my family, on my return a few months later the original web designers and the staff member in charge of Experience Africa, instead of ironing out the bugs, and finding new affiliates, had decided that they would start a new company using the technology. Disillusioned with life and business I took another path, Cape Villas was ticking over and paying of its debt’s and did not need my input, so I decided to become a full time Mixed martial Artist, partly as an outlet for my anger, partly as it gave me inner piece, unfortunately after 2 months, by back gave out and that was the end of that.

Since 2000 most years I have (to the annoyance of any partner) played a soccer management game, or a Turn based resource gathering conquest game, for about a month, complete distraction, and an intellectual exercise in finding out the strategy that the game maker had programmed as only was to win, on the hardest levels, there were of course many mini hacks where the programmers had left holes in the system. Still disillusioned with business, I spent the beginning of 2011 playing FIFA Manager 2011, starting in a league 8 divisions down from the premiership, appreciating the simplicity of its admin and financial pages, and enjoying their mistake in ticket sales as such one could ramp up the price of the main stand to $200 and make the rest of the stands $0 as such the system was fooled into thinking the stadium was half full and paid out on the higher figure.

Whist a clever hack, it was cheating and so the normal strategy of working out which young players had great potential, signing them up on long term contracts and as such paying out ¼ of the wages of the other clubs. Once I had won the European Trophy, the game was up, and it was time to find a new exercise to occupy my mind, it was time write up the various business/software idea’s that I wished to create and send it to VIRGIN whom I had been intending to approach for the past 3 or 4 years.

A month later this was sent to them, http://www.s-world.biz/Virgin/Pre_Spartan_Theory_Travel_Software_Proposal_to_Virgin.htm

The rest you know.

I have labored the point a little, however I believe it needs to be illustrated that I have been working with software and designing the different facets of the S-World software family all my life, with a few world firsts along the way.

12.51 am GMT – Friday 24th February 2012

I like how it’s going but it’s not an exec summary, I’m going to make a 16 page summary, and from their an a4 page, I’m also going to get it printed and send it along with this chapter and American Butterfly first edition.

I’ve been considering the PR some more, it’s fun, the ultimate stage spectacular, but until fully understood, it’s secret.

I’ve just watched half of Brian Cox’s program on nuclear fusion, which is concerning as if they get it wrong we will literally blow up the earth. However it did mention that burning oil causes Carbon dioxide which in turn creates global warming, I’d been concerned that it was the creation of energy alone that did this, as such, the hundreds of thousands of solar batteries, which will of course create heat and energy will not significantly add to global warming, as such now the Spartan Theory is also the solution for Global Warming, which is good to know, another arrow in an increasing large bow.

I’m signing of now, time for FIFA Manager 09. Good night god bless xx don’t fear, Sienna’s Angels, team S-World, are very happy and set to win all that there is to be won.

11.46 am GMT – Saturday 25th February 2012

I just had a very positive response from Mike on this chapter,

“As for the overall paper, I think its ALL BRILLIANT. Most of the math's I don’t quite get, but that's me, never been good at math, I'm certain any professional economist or otherwise would much better understand it though.

This plan has really come a long way since you've been in the UK, it's all fitting together nicely now and I think it's just getting better and better with every chapter written.

I'm very excited, something’s gonna give very soon!!!”

Mike is far from a yes man, this is the first positive comment I have had since the review of theoretical science chapter 41: “The Big Digits, The mathematical Science of Chaos Theory: http://www.s-world.biz/The_Social_Network_2/The_Virtual_Network_2_Chapter_41.htm

1.41 am GMT – Saturday 25th February 2012

I’ve just read through yesterdays work, and I’m not impressed, it covers aspects that have already been covered in this chapter, and labors on for 4 pages about my software experience.

I’ll leave it in for now, and see what Mike Thinks, I think the best route is to work “off diary” specific sections, limited word count, I’ll do the 16 page one first, then the 4 page, and then adjust the 16 page to avoid repetition.

There is an argument to having 16 individual subjects, one on each page, this will give some order to it, I’m going to make a list of sections and go for a walk to ponder.

Firstly a contents page, then

1. Introduction & maybe personal qualifications in list format
2. USA analysis & PQS-PE
3. Give half Back
4. Hospital initiative and other initiatives
5. Software designs
6. Businessbook
7. S-World and fashion & Travel example
8. POP & EPC
9. Location, location, location
10. Resort, what’s in it, and infrastructure
11. PQS resort analysis
12. American Butterfly (solution) including figures
13. PR
14. Investment
15. What next
16. The Original Spartan Theory

Yes, something like that, off I go.

4.31 pm GMT – Saturday 25th February 2012

Ok great walk, thought composed, I’ll be working “off diary” but will come back to make notes from time to time

9.20 pm GMT – Saturday 25th February 2012

It’s going well, I’m on the PQS US forecast page and thought to explain GDP, and I’ll copy it in

PQS-PE, GDP Forecast:
Government Tax Yield Usually Equals 18% GDP
GDP Typically reduces by 1.3 to 2% when GDP Debt Ratio = 90%

If you are not familiar with GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (What the USA sells) consider the 2009 figures, 25.1% of GDP $14 Trillion = $3,514 Trillion.

I was concerned about this figure as it’s back dated and involves the add-ons from budgeted costs to actual costs that I got from the direct Medicare & Medicaid Wikipedia pages, plus I’d used a carte balance 13% for all other figures.

The PQS showed $3,514 Trillion.

Guess what the actual figure was

$3,518 Trillion, how close is that! :)

9.36 am GMT – Sunday 26th February 2012

Feeling really good today, the first three pages of the 16 page summary went really well, they flowed into each other perfectly, the first page will need some more work, but overall, it’s excellent.

Note on Gliese 581 Mission, start with: There is probably only a one in a million chance of this happening in our lifetimes, but millions of people play the lottery every day at 14 million to one odd’s. Then go into NASA branding…… Add Mensa chairmen’s “Even in failure we strive for perfection” comment and suggest such perfection in failure may be a Moon or Mars base and/or the Asteroid defense grid, further mention Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan owns 32% of VIRGIN GALATIC

Note: Add, Chaos Theory number sequence to music programming experience and mention internal groove quantizes as beauty within,

Note: Add villa owner forecasts and villa hotel forecasts to experience as a pre cursor to the PQS

2.04 pm GMT – Sunday 26th February 2012

Just got back from a sunny walk, after I finished the 3rd page now called Page 3: “Give Half Back” Medi Outreach & SURH’s. “SURH” standing for “Super University Resort Hospitals”

Its good, but has overrun and will need amending, however as it all comes together, most or all pages will need amending to a certain degree, as such, I’m going to leave it for now and get on with the next page now entitled: Page 4: “Give Half Back” Universities & Alternate Energies

Once all are finished, I will copy them as a work in progress into this chapter, work on the 4 page summary, then go back over the 16 page summary, then make a final adjustment to the 4 page summary; this will take a few days.
I’ve decided to definitely print them alongside the original American Butterfly and this chapter, as such we are looking at an extra week, however the work is becoming more professional and is close to presentation standard to all, and as such overall timing is not too bad, considering we wish to be publically known by September at the latest.

3.35 pm GMT – Sunday 26th February 2012

So I’m half way through page 4, and have gone into Solar Power, however thus far my math has been very poor at calculating power output, two troubles are the many different ways of measuring energy, BTU’s (British Thermal Units) and Kilojoules, Kilowatts etc, but whet exasperates the calculations is time, sometimes measurements are calculated by the second, sometimes by the hour, sometimes daily etc, etc. I need an accurate baseline to cross reference any forecast as I can be out by 10 or worse 100 times. As such I will use a very basic rudimentary calculation.

Recently my mother was interested in purchasing solar panels for her and Dad’s roof, apparently they work on light not sunlight and are effective in a British climate and as such will be as or more effective in the USA
I’ve found the broacher, so

Average House uses 3500KW/Y

Average energy company charges 12p per KW, as such the average electricity bill is 3500 x 0.12 = £420 = $665
Here is an odd way of working things out, 330,000,000 US citizens / by 2.5 as average Consumer unit = 132,000,000 houses x $665 = $87.5 Billion

I’m going to cross reference with the previous chapter “Times are a changing”

That’s very odd, as the petrol cost for the USA was worked out to $643,860,000,000

First the overall UDA consumption graphic which shows Transportation using 29.1 Quadrillion BTU and residential using 21.75

Add the oil barrel conversion

And we have $643,950,000,000 for petrol creating 29.1 QBTU’s vs. $87,500,000,000 Billion for residential creating 21.75 QBTU’s

Absolute mess, either my math is wrong, by baseline figures are out, there are a lot more houses in the USA or they pay far more for electricity, maybe even municipal spending in residential areas are thrown into the mix, probably a combination of all.

Let’s just try to work out how many solar panels it takes to generate 21.75 QBTU’s



The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year.[7] In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year.[12][13] Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass.[9] The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined.[14]

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaic’s (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). CSP systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. PV converts light into electric current using the photoelectric effect.

Commercial CSP plants were first developed in the 1980s, and the 354 MW SEGS CSP installation is the largest solar power plant in the world and is located in the Mojave Desert of California. Other large CSP plants include the Solnova Solar Power Station (150 MW) and the Andasol solar power station (100 MW), both in Spain. The 97 MW Sarnia Photovoltaic Power Plant in Canada, is the world’s largest photovoltaic plant.

In 2011, the International Energy Agency said that solar energy technologies such as photovoltaic panels, solar water heaters and power stations built with mirrors could provide a third of the world’s energy by 2060 if politicians commit to limiting climate change. The energy from the sun could play a key role in de-carbonizing the global economy alongside improvements in energy efficiency and imposing costs on greenhouse gas emitters. "The strength of solar is the incredible variety and flexibility of applications, from small scale to big scale".[114]


Apple has revealed plans to build America’s largest private solar panel farm.
It will cover 100 acres of North Carolina, and produce enough power to supply thousands of homes.
Apple will use the eco-power for a huge data centre where the servers for its iTunes and iCloud services are held.

When completed, Apple’s 100-acre, 20-megawatt facility will supply 42 million kWh of energy annually, and is expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars to construct.

However, Apple’s site is still dwarfed by the world’s largest array, Golmud Solar Park in China, which produces 200MW of power.


20 MW Grid-tied Photovoltaic Power Generation Project in Golmud

On 1 December 2011, the Company announced that Beijing Enterprise Green Industry (Qinghai) New Energy Co. Ltd.

The total investment cost of Golmud Photovoltaic Power Generation Project is approximately RMB 356,220,000 which does not include land price as the land

Ok, now we are getting somewhere, RMB 356,220,000 =, great the currency convertor does not have RMB

RMB 341,156,963 (equivalent to approximately HK$ 418,597,000).

HK$430,000,000 = $55,500,000

Ok so it costs $55,000,000 to generate 20 MW’s


Warren Buffet

Consider the Topaz Solar farm project presently under construction in California which will be the second largest solar farm in the world. It will produce 550 megawatts (a megawatt is 1,000,000 watts) and it is estimated that it will be able to power 160,000 homes. It is being constructed on the Carrizo Plain on the eastern edge of San Luis Obispo County and is scheduled to be completed by 2015. The solar farm was a project by First Solar, a large publicly traded manufacturer of thin film panels. However, the project was struggling to secure the necessary financing. Several days ago, Warren Buffett through MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.—part of Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway—announced that it had entered into “definitive agreements” with First Solar to take over the $2 billion, 550-megawatt photovoltaic power plant. When a person of Buffett’s stature gets involved, solar energy is turning a corner. The Topaz project is a risk-free stable stream of profitable income for 25 years, exactly the kind of investment the likes of Buffett require. What is interesting to note is that “the project will be decommissioned and restored to habitat after 35 years of operation.” This trend towards solar farms will continue as “tax credits for wind in the U.S. expire at the end of next year, while solar ones run till 2016.”

As such, $2 Billion powers 160,000 homes, average home uses $665 per year, x 160,000 = $106,000,000

Oregon project (same article)

Large scale solar projects are being built here in Oregon too. Consider a project that came to life in Aurora, Oregon. Under Portland General Electric’s solar payment option program, which buys electricity produced by customers and transfers it to the electric grid, the 500 kilowatt system is also Clackamas County’s largest ground-mounted solar array, practically hidden on some of the area’s oldest farmland. It cost $2,000,000.00 and was 50% financed by Umpqua Bank. It generates $20,000.00 a month for the owner and will be profitable after seven years. For further information on a project of this size or smaller contact

The math does not work out here, its 8.4 years plus running costs; it does however provide a benchmark.

If we consider the petrol costs were $644 Billion, and that’s just over a ¼ of consumption, we are looking at a total $2.8 Trillion bill. As such it would cost 8.4 + running costs to power the USA by solar (given that they use electric cars) so 23.5 Trillion, doable, definitely doable.

Divide by 8192, and expect two POP duplications to 32,769 by 2029, so 23.5 Trillion / 32,769 = $717 Million a year / 16 years = $44 Million “Give Half Back” money a year.

Factor in increased energy usage by 50% = $66 Million

Factor in improvements in technology increasing output and lowering manufacturing costs by 2/3rd’s and we are at $22 Million per resort, will fully fuel the USA


Plus about 50% of manufacturing costs from the ground up will be group profit, extra jobs and the profits from selling the electricity each year for ever more, and we have a winner.

Ok I need to work out the yearly profit and manufacturing costs.

We are in effect saying that the current price will be halved due to tech advances (could easily be more, but…)
So we are looking at $22,000,000 manufacturing’s costs and as such 50% profit = $11,000,000, which is a nice additional bit of food for the PQS :)

If we are dividing by 8.4 but expecting to double in efficiency we are dividing by 4.2 as such we are looking at $22,000,000 / 4.2 = $5,238,000 a year in power costs.

This is awesome:), back to the 16 page summary..

6.25 pm GMT – Sunday 26th February 2012

Finished the page, I rounded the 8.4 years up to 9 to give a tiny maintenance budget and ended with a short snap on electric cars

“For total effect the USA needs to convert to eclectic cars, which in itself is another source of profit, by heavily taxing cars in resorts and not having petrol for sale, we discourage usage. You may have wondered at the number of resorts 8,192 and the persistent use of the number 16, this is a part on a non chaotic number sequence, inspired by the creation of global sports leagues, if you divide by two, 14 times you get a winner. Sport and sports leagues are a big part of EEE, all resorts have been given a generous allowance to build a race circuit and integrate it into the resort proper. Creating a league and popularizing the racing of electric cars will remove the electric car “fuddy duddy” stigma, and in time the universities will have created sufficient power output to make the races truly exciting.”

I have overran again and will need to edit, plus I need to put in a conclusion, I’ll do a quick one now
What’s next?

Page 5: Software Designs and Specifications.
The backbone of the software designs are financial, consumer and recruitment orientated.

10.55 am GMT – Sunday 27th February 2012

So its software day, I hope to finish these pages

Page 5: Software Designs and Specifications.
The backbone of the software designs are financial, consumer and recruitment orientated.

Page 6: Businessbook.
Networking and assisting businesses in the USA and across the world.

Page 7: S-World

3D virtual world and business networks, tutorial/educational game, TV network/operating system.

And possibly even...

Page 8: The Removal of “Chaos Theory”
The creation of a stable economic structure & “Ecologically Protected Capitalism”. (ECP)

Before I start I’m going to send the weekends work to Mike and write to Talal.

3.19 pm GMT – Monday 27th February 2012

Finished Page 5, it’s good, but again I overran by about 20%, maybe I should make the presentation on larger paper?
I decided last night that I was to present via print, probably

Personal letter to Mr. Farsi, Mr. Chavance, Team Corniche and either Tanya or whoever will be the project manager.

All sent

• 1 Page personal letter
• 4 Page Summary
• 8 Page Summary
• Purple Emperor Chapter
• Original American Butterfly Chapter

Ill bind them all nicely, it would be nice to find a purple ribbon and print the names on it, to tie the individual packs together, but where I start looking for that I don’t know.

Ok, businessbook time,

8.00 pm GMT – Monday 27th February 2012

He strikes he scores, all be it I needed to compose my thoughts over another legendary walk, and on route I stopped in at a printers and found a place that prints on purple ribbon :)

I did not labor the idea of a Global Trade Network, by throwing in the name “The World Trade Centre” one gets the idea, and how it is such a monumental task, I went in quickly with my experience, mentioned others were already thinking of doing it and how most ADS’s are not keen to share, then went straight into the logistics of all the different investors and companies working together at normal prices, as such making sure all made lots of profit and did not kill off the competition and cause deflation, then brought it back nicely with the facebook gifts idea, all be it I did not labor or mention the general public and company willingness to work with an organization that had the potential to do so much good, hmm maybe I should.

I overran by about 20%, I’m definitely going to see if I can get a printer to print on slightly larger paper.

Ok, S-World time,

Let’s think of components

Virtual World, teleport to GPS, Travel & Real Estate sales plus the shops sell only EEE Company or businessbook items, Une fusions example linked to the PR/Film Company at the resort, explained in other industries.

Tutorial Game, Business advice lectures, Making the psyche testing less daunting, many integrated computer games, and game players mapping territories

TV Operation system and media centre.

9.30 pm GMT – Monday 27th February 2012

LOL, I charged trough it, never typed so fast in my life, It’s a bit sell, sell, sell, but that’s kind of the point with S-World, I managed to put in the fashions thing well and remembered the film budget $150 Billion a year (that will please someone we know) plus I made an excellent end to the tutorial game, recruiting a unskilled laborer to a Spartan stock broker contract.

9.30 pm GMT – Monday 27th February 2012

I’m still marveling at it, the bit where Dad gets to blow away her daughters suitor with a Bazooka mid ski is funny ?

Page 8: The Removal of “Chaos Theory”
The creation of a stable economic structure & “Ecologically Protected Capitalism”. (ECP)

Next, a different kind of fun, but I’ll leave it till tomorrow, as Mr. Curry my headmaster said, the best time to put a book down, or I guess stop writing a book is at the most exciting point.

1.59 pm GMT – Tuesday 28th February 2012

I’ve been on point 8 for a while; I’ve decided to include pictures on the right page which allows me to have a little overlap of text thus solving the bigger paper problem.

However without explaining the resort plan and how the properties are owned by the investors, it’s difficult to explain the POP, I think it’s best to strait into the resorts after S-World, makes sense as it is how they will be remembered, and POP only came about after the resorts ideas.

11.34 am GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

Yesterday was a bit of a write of, no pages complete, however I realized that I needed to bring the resorts in before POP, and further that I need to bring in investor returns into the POP page. I’ve got a page of notes for the introduction to the resorts and I’m off for a walk to think about the 3 page section

Page 9: Location, Location, Location.
The creation and popularization of 8,192 resorts, all made profitable without the need for selling property.

Page 10: Resorts, Infrastructure, Industry and Growth.
What’s in the resorts, how much will they cost, and how they will grow?

Page 11: The “PQS” Resort Profitability Statistics.
Detailed analysis of businesses and suppliers profits and resident and local demographic spending

The order of the above will change a little, Page 10 “how will they grow, is an obvious link back to the POP page.

2.45 pm GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

Today’s the day that will be remembered, today is the day The Spartan Theory 4,5,6,7,8 will be first written, and today’s the day, I stop planning a theory but start implementing “The Spartan Theory” a walk of all walks culminating with the Crystal Ocean coming on my MP3 player at exactly the same time I arrived at the animal I have been calling “Sienna The Horse” a shy but friendly white horse, on the farm two thirds of the way down, Chalk land, I had the Cola Bottles, opened the packet, she had obviously never had them before, or sugar lumps for that matter as she tried to feed from under my hand, after a few attempts she ate them, then another fine horse came along, and sucked up a handful in the appropriate manor.

They loved it then, they were slightly slower, and just like a baby or an adult for that matter they quickly moved their lips over and over, as one does with a sour sweet.

Previously, I had worked out what to say to Team Corniche and what to offer, instead of just share options and assistance, let them just go for it.

I’ve got 15 minutes before I go to the chiropractor so I will write in point form.

1. On the year to the day, I sent the business plan to Virgin I will send American Butterfly to VIRGIN Galactic address to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan this alleviates the possible annoying wait for Team Corniche to read the work, and puts a time limit and a little subtle urgency to their requesting a meeting.

2. On the meeting, I will suggest we can work for 4 weeks, before any financial acquisitions are made, an assistant/project manager will be assigned to shadow me and organize, the various research and development teams, it will take less than a week to bring him up to speed, then we look in relative force at a number of different area

• Making the software in all forms, not final versions but software that assists us, and can act as demos, and be implemented in some business
• Locating and mapping all 8,192 plots in the USA (or as many as possible, with a view to purchasing 16
• Do the same for Europe (Spartan Theory 2), Africa and the Middle East (Spartan Theory 1 and the rest of the world (Spartan Theory 4)
• Get working on a book and accompanying CD, in a number of languages, ready for mass distribution, if the theory breaks earlier than planned a mass print and distribution will be made
• Look into buying “The Simms” and a few other games
• Create S-World Virtual World and map out the plans for various resorts

5.45 am GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

The Butterfly Effect

“The flap of a butterfly’s wing, in Brazil, sets of a Tornado in Texas”

Today at 5 Elm Grove, Epsom, Surrey, England, a butterfly named Nick Ray flapped his wing.

Life is all about peaking, have you ever wondered why the greats of the Tour de France, did not feature as well in the Giro d' Italia and The Tour of Spain? They timed their runs. They knew to stay strong enough through the year then build up to peak at exactly the right point.

I’ve stayed fit enough with my walks, but far from fully fit, I’ve worked hard and often clever, but never with the blind faith and boldness that led me to the decision to risk and blow everything for the chance to help the citizens of Libya.

This day starts the build up, and it will take place on 4 different levels

1, fitness, I’ve seen a mountain bike and spoken Oliver and money permitting I will buy it, and start a 4 phase exercise regime, involving, Walking, Mountain Biking, Swimming and Weights.

2, Appearance, I will cut my hair, get a tan and loose the 3 or 4 kilos that are necessary

3, Work, All I need to do is summaries and make a good looking presentation, if I create more accurate figures for the resort PQS profit forecasts great if not, there’s already more than enough, and a good argument for 50% profit a year.

4, Attitude, I will build up the confidence, and I will believe there is more to this than just me.
The difference in today I feel came from this morning’s summarizing of the History of the resorts plan, which was tricky as I was trying to write up the Libya incident that did not sound crazy, this is what I had when I went for my walk.

8. The Resorts

Despite the author’s substantial experience in resorts, from drawing plans in Photoshop and building his own mansion to owning the world’s most innovative Villa agency. The first detailing of the resort plans was written on April 4th in the form of selling the Virtual S-World shops within the paper “The new 21st Century Experience Economy” which also mentioned applying the software systems and economic theory to Zimbabwe. To gauge the frame of mind, bear in mind the paper was written just 6 hours after writing “The Sienna Project

Einstein’s theory of relativity, atomic energy and most other useful theories were or are consciousness experiments…

This build up perfectly to both “The Sienna Project” being the ultimate consciousness experiment, to prove her consciousness still exists, to maybe the world most “with conscious decision” to risk and loose all, whist on the verge of bankruptcy, as I could not with all good conscience sit back at let the Libyans die, if I felt I could help, in realty at the time I believed it was not my conscience but rather Sienna’s, and today not only have I fed Sienna the horse her cola bottles, but in the car park in Sainsbury’s, there was a woman carrying a baby with sienna’s pink grow, ears and all, I’d not seen one since.

Instead of denying these coincidences, I’m going to run with it, if it helps me with my 4 immediate goals and gets me to peak condition on 4 different fronts, and further achieves when it needs to be achieved, let them call me crazy if they wish, bring it on.

Time to set up my team for the conference season in FIFA Manager they I will write the 15th summary page, if this page is the finale, it should be written before the build up

Page 15: What Next.
What is required to get to the next stage, who should be contacted and by when

9.04 pm GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

Sorted my team, had dinner, then changed the chapter just like S-World; here is the first draught, very ballsy.

15: What Next.

The Penultimate Chapter

Having worked for a year in a positive manor, doubling my efforts at every fall, a guarded “What’s Next” would be inappropriate. There is much to do.

I will not presume that I immediately have 110% support, all be it if I have explained things in a simple enough manor and the totality of the work is fully understood, great.

For now, I will work under the assumption, I have your interest and probably your first question is “What do I want”? You have heard money assets and shareholdings have no appeal to me, I’m in this for the journey and the glory, no merchant has been recorded in history.

I desire someone to assist me, be it the best and brightest or the fun and funniest, so long as they have your trust and you will respect their word, that’s all I need, it will take but a week of following the process and talking to me, to understand that everything is linked, it is all one, and as amazing as it is, it’s actually very simple, so simple that it will take less than a week for your chosen advocate to report that we have a viable project, but also in either a small way or a big way they will have added to the project, there is a lot to add especially applying the theory to big business, an area where I have no experience.

The beginning of chapter 51, describes the think tank I then wished to put together, so that I could make you a creatable presentation, this idea is still valid, however as you will read the work has come on significantly, particularly the PQS and “What to do next” to the point where we are no longer making a plan to present to others, be it facebook or the Whitehouse, we are now starting the plan.

Assistant/Project manager in tow, we have much research and fact checking to do, before we get to the procurement stage, which you would call the investment stage, which I would expect to begin roughly a month after kick off. You have experience and strength in all the remaining key areas of EEE: Land Development, IT, Energy, Philanthropy, Football, Filmmaking and Middle East Affairs. Secondary areas of Rocket Science, Theoretical Science, Pharmaceuticals, Retail and Music can be serviced by Virgin galactic (Sir Richard Branson and Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan)

1. Property Development: We need a serious amount of research into available plots in the USA we need just over 4,000, when the news brakes, the land value will increase substantially, there is little that can be done about it, and its actually desired to kick start the USA economy. However the prime California North East plots will rise considerably, at the moment they are all half their 2006 value, and a safe investment in anyone’s books.

It would make sense to locate and start buying them up, “when you are confident of the plan of course” I’ll put an offer on the table, whatever you buy you can sell back for twice the value and keep a few KM’s sq as a bonus. We will need to choose a champion plot, a show piece, render the full resort in S-World and make the first phase of house for sale, just a hundred or so, the hype when this breaks will see them sell for ten times their book value and that sets a precedent for the entire project.

We also need to look at repeating the exercise across the globe, split into 4 sections 1: The Americas, 2: Europe 3: Africa, The Middle East and India, 4: The rest of the world.

2. IT: Creating S-World and the PQS are the priority, we have a $200 Million Virtual World we can probably buy for about $10 Million, but more than this we should try to purchase “The Simms”. We need the Virtual World to render the developments, we also wish to get going tying it into facebook, so an app will have to be made, the long view is an official marriage but, starting strong and having it already there before an approach makes sense. While we are on facebook the gifts idea can also be created easily and added as an app to facebook, we can tie in with a USA retailer who can deliver supper fast, a flower shop and get going on the Afri-Cards.

The PQS will be a case of myself working with a team of programmers, the data input is as important as the software, so researchers in USA economics and Global economics and budgeting will be needed as will building logistics experts, retail, Government budgeting, the list goes on, a lot of researchers. The business software links of course but is not a priority, all be it creating the backbone for the travel software is. All in all there are hundreds maybe thousands of patents that need to be registered. At the same time we need to research who has patents we need, can they be bought, can the company be bought, or are they on the “nice list” (initial partner targets).

3. Energy: Simple enough, in time we will convert the world to Alternate Power, on paper we can do it in 16 years, Solar looks best, we need due diligence, how quickly can we expect technology to increase output, the rough rule on Microchips that has been in play since the 70’s is they double in power every year, is their such a formula for power. To many the work on Alternate energy will be the most loved gift of EEE even more than money in pockets and world peace. It’s the big PR stunt that eventually will make the most money, work it out, and a little work on how not to piss of the oil companies would be useful.

4. Philanthropy: You will soon discover within the EEE structure every single good deed or good intention pays double, quite a nice bonus I discovered a long time ago, so work it, look for good things to do, tie them in, gauge the PR value and the business opportunities associated with it. We will find allies in Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Bill Gates (Microsoft) & All Gore (Apple) when the time is right

5. Football & Global Leagues: No greater unification of EEE can be achieved globally than the original FIFA global league concept, all the resorts are ordered to work within a league structure. And for any player its only 5 wins to the top. The Spartan League (League 4) 8192 resorts, always paired in two’s so 4096 teams split into leagues of 16, (one league a year and a knockout competition each odd year. The winners move up and a new Spartan team takes their place from their home town. This creates 256 teams (League 3), again leagues of 16, same rules. This creates 16 winners (League 2), repeat the process and there is one league of 16 (League 1). From here the winners enter the Global League. There will have to be a little math about the ups and downs but I’ll work that out at a later point.

The original “21st Century Football Theory” (the second part of “The Spartan Theory” dictated that the teams must have a certain amount of home grown players, as such within 5 years by the time the Global League is formed, at least 5 players on each team will be from the original 8192 resorts, Further the team will need to keep all their original players as if they run out of original players they are out, all be it they can send up youth players from their resort. Chances are there will be a sub league around the resort to make the resort team.

Football is just one of many leagues, Motor racing, MMA, Baseball, American Football, Ice Hockey, Rugby, Cycling will also work nicely. However the FIFA league is the big PR and the unifier. With any one man or woman only 5 years away from winning the FIFA Global league title it will be an amazing incentive and team building exercise, plus an awful lot of fun, plus it will give all the resorts TV channels and exposure.

6. Product placement and the creation of film and TV series: A big key to the PR battle, and there will be monstrous budgets, it also on a macro level makes the individual resorts interesting to their surrounds as local series are tested and screened, mini Hollywood, full of glamour and beautiful people need to spring up in each resort. However to start off I have 4 scripts I’d like evaluated, The Sienna Project combines “The Social Network” “Caprica”, Star Wars and Lord of the rings” and looks good to be a modern day version of :Lord of The rings”, Add to this the Galactica 2017 series.

7. Middle East Affairs: There is much to consider in this area, from oil to humanities from a Taliban seize fire in lieu of “The Babylon Project” to A Syrian seize fire in view of a Libya type monarchal initiative.

9.24 pm GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

Oh yes, I mentioned the Spartan Theory parts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

4: is “The rest of The World

As for the rest, well analyzing the Gliese Mission, the only non credible aspects are the timing and the fuel usage, if we say 500 years and get there sooner and make the journey in stages that at least can be achieved in our lifetimes, it suddenly goes from “fantastic” to “probable” given the funding, as for the fuel usage, it is against the EEE way, as such we have to look back to the earlier writings and the original New Sparta Robotic Mining model, and get the rock (walls) from the Moon, and the Iron from Mars, and probably the fuel from around Saturn, Jupiter or one of the moons there of.

Gravity is the problem, but there’s not much on the moon, so chances are a nuclear powered craft, maybe with a little fuel can take off again and again without digging into fossil fuel reserves. And whist no one has really ever mentioned I’m sure the biggest trouble even flying at 25% of the speed of light will be hitting asteroids, as such crumple zones will be needed, say100M of rock, supported by iron, with offensive weapons to blast asteroids away, if one hits, it will smash the crumple zone, but the mass of the ship times the speed may well smash even the largest of asteroids, if not, best have 10 crumple zones, that’s a lot of rock and a lot of iron to keep it in place.
As such to successfully make the mission we need to set up a mining and operations base on

1: The Moon “Spartan Theory” Part 5:

2: Mars - “Spartan Theory” Part 6

3: Saturn district “Spartan Theory” Part 7

Then off to Gliese and the Sienna System - “Spartan Theory” Part 8

From there the moon will be not only to colonize but to move on, so plotting out the beginning of the colonization of the universe, and you know what they will say in a billion years, what book they will remember from Earth above all others “The Spartan Theory”:

As such, I’ve earned a pint, cheerio xx

Oh last point, of course by proudly stating this goal, to all that would say it’s farfetched, it makes the earlier Spartan Theories seem more achievable, Physiology 101 from Little S.

Oh lastly I’ve decided what to do about Caitlin, I’ll just give her a little luck, someone can spot her, and enhance her modeling career, subtle, I’d worries about orchestrating something big that when she found out I was behind it she would feel less about her achievements but put in the terms of luck, give the opportunity a good publicist and some start up gigs, she will do the rest, she has what it takes she has the look and god knows she’s got a story.

11.13 pm GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

An amendment

The land, instead of a 200% buy back, we can say, it’s worth 15% of the $1B as such $150 Million, buy it for 40 Mill and good for u.

11.48 pm GMT – Wednesday 29th February 2012

Hmm, found another hack in FIFA manager, build on your stadium during the season ticket selling time (July) so you only have one stand open, it tricks the game into thinking that’s all there is so they pay a lot more for season tickets, basic supply and demand

10.57 pm GMT – Thursday 1st March 2012

Today we are going to have a little interlude, and go back to basics, and football. Today’s work is dedicated to Mr. Farsi, as it is through football that we met, he rented a Villa of me for the world cup and made me $40,000 or so, which in turn paid for a fair chunk of the early research of this project in the form of the Experience Africa website.
Yesterdays work on the FIFA global league astonished me, the main factor the speed in which one could climb the leagues, I’m going to try to put the structure on a spread sheet & copy it in.

Before I do, I’ll share an insight, this is that before a plot is even purchased, one could create the league, pick the catchment areas, and off everyone goes, as such if the Kick off (excuse the pun) to EEE is a lot slower and it takes 4 years before all the plots are identified and planning permission is granted, each area (catchment zone) will already exist, in the form of its football club.

And to the spreadsheet, I’ll start in 2014 with Division 4, which will be the league which chooses the resort Team Players.

Simple enough, and gives everyone a chance, the 32 players picked receive “Spartan Contracts” which include a mortgage on a house, and require 16 hours education a week on top of training.
Once we have the resort teams we move to Division 4

As there are only 30 games a year, players are fresh, after the league is over a World Cup Style knockout tournament takes place. Overall 4 teams are promoted to Division 3, this creates a new league. The empty spaces will be made up from Division 5 players
At this point, teams cannot buy players, 24 original squad players (if available) must be included in the team, the balance made from youth or their Division E players.

5.17 pm GMT – Thursday 1st March 2012

Notes from walk

1, Make a play off between winner of league & Cup against winner of the reserve or (Team B) league, that makes for another 2 showdown matches and makes the reserve league worth winning, and makes sure all players get a fair shot at developing their potential.

The general rule will be the reserve team winners in the playoff, need to include 8 of the 16 players that played most minutes in the reserve league, if not available, use youth squad.

This will also add some tactics as the weakest league teams may well choose to rather try to win the reserve league.

2, Make 16 of the houses from the development open for sale well before the rest, use a cross between being first, novelty value, supply demand, and choice of plot, to boost the price well above the norm, aim to raise $100,000,000

I’m going to amend the initial spreadsheet to add the reserve leagues

4.08 pm GMT – Friday 2nd March 2012

I decided to make a dedicated FIFA Global league spreadsheet, the trickiest parts is what do in the resorts where teams get promoted, creating a new team has two problems, fist the cost, and second what to do if the original team comes back down.

As such, I’ve looked at the problem from a different perspective, concentrating on the players and businessbook. If we make the players recruit for businessbook, that pays their salaries, plus we can have a new batch every year, some of the players will stay in football full time, others will go into different fields, all will have the basic Spartan contract, that provides a house and a basic salary, here is the pay structure.

11.26 am GMT – Saturday 3rd March 2012

I carried on with the FIFA league, particularly the businessbook side of things and concentrated on creating programs for the resort TV channels, this introduced the idea of having the teams including girls, and maybe a minimum of 8 per team and 3 must play in the A Team.

At first I made a list of TV programs and worked on the principal that each person in a team must host one or more of the programs, here is the list

The general idea being that during their 16 hours at the university they spend half of it working with the resort/campus film department making TV series about what is going on, this will raise the profile of the team members and as such, the profile of the team, so more people will watch the games and more local companies will wish to sponsor the individual players.

As a second thought however is that this seemed a bit much, and potentially a waist of film department resources as they could do a better job with more professional presenters. As a compromise however I considered the various other sports teams, I thought if the workload was split between 8 sports and as such 8 teams, there would be suitable talent within the teams to cover the above programming schedule.

This principal also takes into consideration the USA’s lackluster support of soccer, as a concept for a FIFA or (other) global league, this lackluster support is an advantage, as one is not competing with an existing popular league as such the soccer league can happily take over the MLS as the popular viewed league, where as such a concept in American Football would never overtake the NFL league, much in the same way in England if a FIFA or alternate league was created, in the manor suggested it would not take over the premiership, all be it you would see great interest in the actual Global league.

Analyzing and playing to our strengths, seeing as American Football, Ice Hockey, Basketball, and Baseball are very popular, it would make sense to create the above mentioned resort channels presenters from all the above, alongside soccer, and a few other sports maybe motor racing, cycling and athletics, and make similar league structures for those sports.

The advantage is in the programming, if all local sports leagues are always within the same 16 set of resorts, that creates quite a hefty competition between the resorts, as such highlights the other resorts to the people in the catchment area of one resort.

If we looked at the above programming schedule it created 55 hours of programming, nearly 8 hours a day if we consider the others sports teams that can be brought in, that can be increased by two thirds and create one continuous channel that runs, without ever needing to repeat. In general the way TV is going and considering the desires for S-World to be a TV operating system on top of a media station, on demand TV really is the future, live TV stations being a novelty for programs first aired.

As such one continuous channel that does not repeat, would be good, the sort of channel that is generally on, in bars etc.

However, when we combine all 16 resorts together, (the others of interest as they are in one way the local sport competition, and in others as they are also the local sport hero’s as the resorts that got teams up the divisions are really representing the local area)

If we combine these resorts we get a plethora of dedicated local channels, where each of sub sections combines with the subsections of other near resorts to create a dedicated channel, for instance a dedicated Eco Watch channel that has continuous programs from the 16 resorts (or 8 probably as each resort has 2 teams and 2 budgets)
All in all creating about 20 or so interesting, well produced dedicated local channels, that will be of interest to most of the community as Martha says to Arthur “ Hey Arthur Jessie’s little boy is on TV later, we must watch it” and so introducing Arthur and Martha to the new bouquet of free channels that have become locally available to them, which all promote the resorts, and I see no reason why the channels can’t have ad’s.

The larger picture is there will be 20 new channels x 512 sets of 16 teams/resorts equals over 10,000 new channels, all available on S-World TV. Of which some will shine, where by the quality/budget can be improved and said programs will form a super set of S-World channels and can be syndicated.

All in all from an idea of a football league an immense media presence has been formed.

It’s time to move on, and get the resort pages for the summary written up and then onwards, as for the specifics of the FIFA league or sports leagues in general, I may work it some more, before I present, I may not and just leave it as a fun concept to be considered within the think tank, certainly both from a media and “Spartan Labor”
perspective the plan has been improved, back in August it was suggested that “Spartan Labor” (need to find a better name)…. It was suggested that “The Spartans” were either athletes or academics, where by all needed to do both, but the ratio of time split. Healthy people are happier due to the endorphins and their minds work better for it, plus of course it will save money for the Hospitals as people will be sick less.

To conclude, I’d like to go back to the beginning of the FIFA Global league section and explain what led to it, it was my search to find out exactly when it was that the idea for resorts came into the software plans; the idea of buying Virtual S-World real estate was already in place. Looking through the original theories, it was indeed the fist theory that hinted at the resorts, I say the first theory as it was the first document to have the word theory in its name, written on the 6th April at 8 pm.

Whilst not mentioning resorts or cities, it mentions football clubs in certain countries, their football clubs must of course have a home, and as such this was the first paper to consider the resorts idea.


The new 21st Century Economic Football Theory.

Sienna FC is a football theory designed to demonstrate the value of loyalty and teamwork into society. It forms part of an economic theory being presented to GOOGLE, VIRGIN, SKY & MICROSOFT
It is SIENNA’s intention to purchase or start 16 amateur football clubs, all will need to play and win 3 lower league seasons to enter what in England is the Conference North & South. The clubs are based in: Brazil, Spain, Canada & USA Yankee States, USA Confederate states and Mexico, Asia, Australia, Middle East, South Africa, Malawi, England, Italy, Argentina, Russia, Hopefully Zimbabwe, France, and Germany.

My thesis is this, the more you play a player the better he gets, I’m sure many players did not reach their prime by lack of opportunity nor by lack of potential, which can come late in any sport or passion, so to address the issue we make a rule that no players will ever be purchased.

With mass press generated and the lure of the richest fiancés, youngsters and out of contract players will be itching to sign up (within their talent bracket that is), knowing that if they make the team they will be given a real good run out.

The only real investment needed at first is in the extensive youth training camps which I hope SKY will sponsor in exchange for sponsorship of said camps, and on the subject of sponsors, all partners will sponsor one nation. “It’s going to be a race for England”

I’d estimate you will be able to pick up players on free transfer all the way up to the Championship, but the priority is youth, give them experience but don’t burn them out, the talent of all clubs should be enough to easily get to the Championship, and then it gets interesting.

The above is a part of a new economic theory called The new 21st Experience Based economy, all the football clubs will be successful in other business ventures, travel for instance.

With no transfer fees, no need for a stadium, (when in the premiership just play at Wembley) and all youth camps sponsored the clubs costs will be very low, the ability to sell players, additional business ventures and sponsorship (we have already offered VIRGIN HOLIDAYS $30,000,000), the clubs will be very profitable.

The SIENNA project is a nonprofit organization, tasked with global economic stability & environmental improvement. SIENNA FC is a part of over 50 other equally important developments all over the world. All profits made from the football clubs and all other aspects go to good causes. The 16 SIENNA FC clubs will be truly loved and a shining example of loyalty and teamwork. Plus it will further increase the popularity of football globally, especially in the United States and SIENNA GOOGLE play SIENNA MICROSOFT.

The clubs can transfer between themselves but at least 6 players for their own country or continent must be in the first 11. Inter club competitions will feature in-between the World Cup and the European cup

We have come a long way since writing this; it does however highlight a point of serious inspiration.

3.28 pm GMT – Saturday 3rd March 2012

Just returned from walk, of which the first hour was not positive, concerns about the Virtual Tours or the lack of them coming out of Cape Town is an annoyance that needs to be dealt with, it’s such a shame that so many people only do what they are supposed to do when pressure is applied, it makes the job of the boss unpleasant and frustrating.

But more than this I’m not happy with the conclusion from the sports leagues, some good ideas but ideas without substance, no official budgets no logistics, so I gave it some more thought, putting the FIFA league aside for the moment and just concentrating on the various sports leagues and the creation of the TV programs, I considered spiting the University budget into 5, we already have 25% dedicated to businessbook, 25% software, 25% General research and teaching and 25% Spartan labor (construction)

However I don’t like the idea of breaking the number sequence (4 to 5) so I decided to make the above categories dedicate 25% of their funds to Sports and Media, a division within a division, as such there is a $15,625,000 overall budget, with $3,906,250 per department.

$976,563 covers the salaries of 32 “Spartans” and one could look to having one set a year recruited per department, or at least the first 3 years. Additional sports people can be made up from others in the departments, in general the construction team are going to be pretty fit and they can choose a sport over university teaching or a 75%/25% ration there off (12 Hours sport, 4 hours teaching)

Each set of 32 “Spartans” will have a combined task, which is basically making as much money as possible, half may well be sports men and women, of which half are presenters and actors for the TV shows, it makes sense that a presenter should be in good shape. The other half can be dedicated to media and advertising, half of which concentrate on the filming and editing and production, the other half on advertising, be it creating an ad campaign for the real estate sales, to a marketing campaign for the local furniture manufacturer.

Basically the Sport & Media “Spartans” become the ad agencies for the resorts in general working to advertise and get product placement for their department’s endeavourers out to the public, in whatever form they can.

Half done on budget half off, on budget would be the creation of the adverts be they film or still for S-World Virtual Business network, and the documentary filming for the business book new business TV channel.

Off budget may be a local vibey bar restaurant for example, they may well decide it’s worth paying $4,000 a month to be the centre stage of the fun reality TV show that highlights the social lives of 8 of the local sports stars. If the program becomes popular however, the next year they will pay more. Standard product placement for big brands, Coca Cola etc can bring in money. TV ads during the programs; ad boards on the stadium, personal sponsorships.

The trick is, with another 8191 teams doing the same thing across the country as soon as say a clever chap in Ohio, works out how to make an additional revenue stream from a sponsor or advertiser, the other 8191 teams will have another good idea to consider.

I think it would be fair enough to enforce a rule that in most cases 50% of all advertising spending from any EEE company needs to be spent via the internal teams. This keeps the money within EEE and will most likely end up with the teams making a profit, “i.e.” covering their salaries. It makes sense to say they have 10% of all sales via sponsorship, advertising or product placement, and as soon as they have covered their costs (salary + expenses) they can have 50% of the profit, the balance being added as an EEE revenue stream.

Over time the teams will fragment, as some go on to become professional athletes, actors, photographers, graphic designers, sales people, marketing professionals, and all other manor of employment within EEE that they found they were good at along the way.

10.59 am GMT – Sunday 4th March 2012

Yesterday was a relatively slow day, a little frustrating at times, but I plugged away, I’d planned to let the history and development of the resorts description become about a third of the initial “Location, Location, Location” page it did however go on for one and a half pages. After which I wrote two thirds of a page on “Location, Location, Location”.

The trouble I’ve been having was that the basic resort plan and investment had not previously been identifies, I’d thought a few days back that the initial introduction page would need to change, as currently it really only has a history lesson, not an overview. However I considered that now the history of the resorts development covers the history of the project quite nicely.

In the evening I started to watch an average film, saved by Angelina Jolie called “Wanted” in the middle I had an idea of how to start or the theme I should take for the introduction page, it went like this:

“Think of this a puzzle, a game if you prefer, a jigsaw that needs to be completed, I have placed many pieces, this said there are most likely more pieces to place, all improving all gaining momentum, all creating order out of chaos.”

This tagged quite nicely to the other line I had added a few days before

“We are in many ways, looking at a “what comes first, the chicken and the egg” scenario. What comes first, the resorts, the software the business network or the PR, one cannot exist without the other. Investment comes first, and then all will fall into place. One will need to read the entire presentation to fully understand this, its reverse engineered chaos theory at its best.”

All in all, this may well be the way to begin, its true enough, and maybe engaging, as such I’m going to re write the introduction page, but first for the record, I will copy in the original

“After 11 years creating researching and financially analyzing the various components that are presented in “American Butterfly” on March 18th 2011 a basic business plan, financials and profit forecasts were sent to VIRGIN brands SA, who had been chosen as the recipient in August 2008. The first line of the executive summary stated

“Welcome to Sienna, Sienna is software, a baby that will evolve from an idea into networking business software the likes of which have not yet been imagined. My peers describe Sienna as” Face Book for business” I like to consider her “The Global Distribution System”. This was true; the full potential had not yet been imagined!

At the time of sending, I decided to seed all financial reward to the betterment of mankind, a significant gesture as the financial analysis showed $170 Million over 5 years increased to $50 Billion if the basic designs could be assimilated into all industries and big business. Time passed and on the 7th April they informed me, the work was to be sent to the London Big Ideas Committee.

This sparked a phase of heightened creativity, and “The Spartan Theory” where the concept of creating operations bases to assist the network in the form of resorts envisaged, from here my share of profit could be used to assist the local communities, as such creating unlimited perpetual PR for the network, this exercise was later named “Give Half Back”
Disputes over myself wishing the project to assist the seize fire in Libya led to an end of talks with VIRGIN, I had by this point realized that a technology partner was essential to the process, all be it I had no idea that communication with the likes of Google and facebook was so hard, I spent the next 5 months refining the software, networking and business specifications and made presentations for both Google and facebook 2, 3 then created a website to display the work www.s-world.biz.

In September, it was time to apply the software and networking concepts to economics and a Greek economic plan was developed involving the creation of “New Sparta, City of Science” The idea to make the resorts into a gigantic practice university was brilliant, it basically meant that there would be no research costs and millions of people to assist in creating the network, it was considered that we would need to network 500,000 individual Greek business and it would take 2 million people 4 years to do it. Further it was decided instead of just making the financial software calculate to audit, further pay tax, thus solving the main Greek economic problem, tax evasion.

Since writing “The Spartan theory” I had been working in tandem on a consciousness experiment and indulging in theoretical science first “String Theory” then “TOE” then “Chaos Theory” and “The Butterfly Effect” the former led to “POP” (Pressure Of Profit) and some astonishing results in company growth, the latter becoming the foundation for the “PQS” (Predictive Quantum Software) now the major tool in all financial and economic analysis.

It was time to go to the UK and find some allies, all be it throughout November I deviated and considered some fledgling PR idea’s based around product placement in some movie and TV series scripts written about the subject, intertwined with a think tank to further the ideas process.

Arriving in the UK it was time to get serious, leave the theoretical science and concentrate on the Economics, for many months I had been considering how to apply “The Spartan Theory” to the USA, but had not cracked it, then the inspiration to go back to basics, instead of then 16 “New Sparta” type cities, split it up to about 8,000 small resorts, as such no business would be more than 30 miles away from an operations centre.

Analysis of the USA problems, showed that whist the debt seemed to me the major problem, the bigger concern was Medicare, Medicaid and to an extent Social Security combined all were underfunded by $55 Trillion or so. As such a hospital paid for out of “Give Half Back” money to accommodate the recipients would cost just 10% or so of funds, whist creating excellent PR and drawing people to the resort. Analysis from the PQS, showed this single measure, would solve the problem; there are 9 other solutions to add, not just fixing but empowering the USA economy to profit and eventually zero debt.”

7.52 pm GMT – Sunday 6th March 2012

I’ve been away for a few days working on the summary, I got a little stuck on the resorts section as I was having to explain concept from the beginning so I re did the introduction, it went well and becomes a strong executive summary, I’ll work on it some more, but it’s a good foundation

With a string executive summary, I can be less summary orientated with the balance of the presentation, not that I will go overboard, but I’ve changed the format to 10 chapters with different sections, I’m over the half way point, and with the executive summary the balance will be easier to write.

I’ve decided to separate this chapter from 51 The Purple Emperor, and call it, Sports Media, Energy and an Executive summary, as that’s what it contains, I’ve ordered www.AmericanButterfly.net and will make a dedicated website. The plan is still to send the work to Mr Farsi, however in the back of my mind is the possibility of rejection, largely from no one bothering to read the work, and as much as I tell myself I’ll be OK with it and put it down as “not the right time” I’m kidding if it will not hurt

As such as soon as the presentation is sent, I will work on the “Return of the Monarch” chapter which will identify the other profit streams for the resorts, and look at the 16 year plan, we already have another $15 million from the solar arrays, and maybe as much again from internal spending on advertising and media to the university sports media and advertising division.

Within the USA PQS economic predictions I’m going to add a $500 Billion infrastructure spend, which I will fully expect to go to EEE companies, in general there is about another $trillion a year spent on building and infrastructure, as such I think I will claim $1,2 Trillions for the building companies doing “outside work” which equals 8,192 $183 Million a year working on only 35% profit that gives an additional $64 Million added to the solar arrays and Adverting we are nearly at an extra $100,000,000 a month.

I’ve been giving the idea that the USA should scrap corporation tax for software users more thought, it makes sense on many levels, they only make $250 Billion a year to start off with, it will encourage use of the software and so increase payroll and other taxes to a point over $250 Billion and it stops the hindrance of such a tax on the resorts.
I went to the Gym for the first time this year 48 lengths and 3 sets of 4 weights machines, it’s a start and encouraging that my back could take it, I’ve put on 2 kilos which was to be expected. Tomorrow I order my bike and will start towards the 4 month process of pre mentioned “peaking”. I’ve not had a drink for 5 days and I’ve avoided the sweets and crisps that have plagued my belly for many months.

As mentioned once the work is sent to Mr. Farsi, I will spend a week on the resort and USA PQS, then spend another week going over the presentation, correcting adding and working on the graphics, then I’m going to print up 32 or more copies in a quality format and start sending to facebook and friends, that is if I’ve had no feedback from Mr. Farsi,

Ok, I’m going to copy in the presentation thus far, then move on to the next chapter, I’ve added my latest consideration of theoretical science and consciousness at the end.

American Butterfly V1:002

Part 1: Introduction

1a: Executive Summary
1b: History

Part 2: US Economic Analysis by the PQS
1a: “Predictive Quantum Software”
Part 3:”Give Half Back”

3a: Medi Outreach & Super University Resort Hospitals (SURH’s)
3b: Resort Universities and Alternate Energies

Part 4: Software Designs and Specifications.
4a: Business software
4b: Businessbook - The Global Trade Network (GTN)
4c: S-World – Virtual World, Media Network & Computerized TV Operating System

Part 5: “The Resorts” Property Developments

5a: The Inspiration, History and Development of the “Resorts” concept.
5b: Location, Location, Location
5c: The Spartans – Team EEE
5d: Chaos Theory, The Pressure of Profit (POP) & Ecologically Protected Capitalism (EPC)
5e: “PQS” Resort Profitability Statistics.

Part 6: American Butterfly
6a: Resorting confidence in short and long term US Economics
6b: EEE US economic forecast by the PQS

Part 7: Brand Love and Public Relations
7a: Ecology, Energy, Health, Education, Jobs and Money
7b:, “The Sienna Project”, “Galactica 2017”, “The Virtual Network” & The Author

Part 8: Investment
8a: Who & When

Part 9: What Next
9a: Fact Checking, Du diligence, Editing and a Professional presentation

Part 10: “The Spartan Theory”
The Original Spartan Theory – 8th April 2011

Part 11: “The Angel That Resides Within String Theory”
11a: An interesting take on a unified Theory of Everything, combing Quantum Mechanics, Super symmetrical String Theory & Relativity via Chaos Theory

11b: Sienna Skye

Part 1: Introduction
1a: Executive Summary

NOTE: Whilst reading this introduction (Executive Summary), you may be tempted to switch of, feeling it is too fantastic, impossible or bold. This would be to ignore mathematics and science, as that is what is being presented, of course there is no time to give detail within a 4 page summary, however that is where the credibility lies, mathematics and meticulous detail, for each page and point there are hundreds of pages of detail, theory and mathematical conclusion. If you don’t like the concept, feel free to switch of move on and enjoy the rest of the day, however if you are intrigued but skeptical, don’t give in to negativity, read the balance of the presentation, it will take just half an hour and the math will show how the impossible is not only possible, but at a grass roots level simple and beautiful, as all good science should be.

In 2003 the author of “The Spartan Theory”: Nick Raymond Ball chaired a bid alongside the family of Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu to bring SABRE GDS (Global Distribution System) to Africa. It was to be married to S-World the world’s first mapped internet Virtual World, which had been granted its own Digital TV channel. In 2003 the intention was to create a global travel network displayed on the Internet and TV networks across the world, unfortunately the technology was not ready. 9 years further of development in concept and specification and the technology is available, particularly the intention is not to create a global travel network, rather the creation of a global network of all business; “The Global Trade Network” (GTN). The GTN whilst significant is but a part of a far larger project which on paper backed by mathematics will over the next 20 years largely eliminate fossil fuel usage, make pharmaceuticals largely patent free and create a well structured economic system that is prosperous for all.

When considering the totality of the “American Butterfly” ambitions, we are in many ways, looking at a “what comes first, the chicken or the egg” scenario. What comes first: The Resorts, The Software, The Social and Business Networks, The PR or the Philanthropy? All be it the last two are much the same object. As a first time reader it may well appear one cannot exist without the other, and maybe they can’t, however this is of no real consequence, as all are specified and all enhance each other creating a new form of economics, or business plan if you prefer which is far, far greater than the sum of its parts. It may be best to think of EEE (The Ecological Experience Economy) as a puzzle, or even a game, a jigsaw that needs to be completed, with just the foundation pieces laid, a corner maybe.

However said corner illustrates the placement of many pieces, hundreds of software ambitions, specifications, and schematics, some working versions, all envisioned and practical combining to act as a single unit culminating in “The PQS”, (Predictive Quantum Software) so named as it predicts the global economic future, by measuring the very large “Global GDP” and the very small “individual minimum wage earners spending patterns”. Also considered is the relationship and deft organization of hundreds of thousands of small to medium sized businesses feeding of each other to fulfill a single purpose, to create profit. Said profit invested wisely to the benefit of the business owners, the US economy and the individual citizens within the company’s local catchment areas. Part of this profit is invested in an ultimately profitable network of hospitals and solar arrays; this alone solves the five greatest USA long term economic challenges: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Interest on Public Debt and Fossil Fuel Dependency. Implementation will see the immense love of a grateful nation as all leading US economists’ talk of the necessary politically toxic draconian spending cuts and tax rises disappear without a trace. As such the USA can continue as both the economic powerhouse of the world and for the best part the democratic flag carrier suitably funded to sustain its mission.

No doubt there will be many more pieces to this puzzle yet to be considered, not yet imagined, all improving and increasing momentum, fortunately however after 12 years work we have reached a point that makes mathematical sense from a business prospective. All future pieces (particularly big business consideration) is simply an addition to an already competent economic formula, that has reverse engineered the chaos within current economic systems turning weaknesses into strengths to create something akin to “The Theory of Everything”, or at the very least it’s “Removal of Chaos Theory” economic constituent “The Theory of Every Business”.

Across the USA 8,192 companies within the EEE corporation are to be created at a cost of $1 Billion per unit, the majority of which are paired with another. An initial $250 Million per company unit is reserved for the identified “Big 16 Technology Companies” alongside the other 95,000 USA technology companies, followed by another $250 Million round for strategic business partners, in particular pharmaceutical, energy and media companies. This is followed over 4 years by the 27 Million small to medium enterprises within the USA.

For each or the 4,096 $2 Billion company units an all encompassing resort is built, where by 82% of the investment goes directly into the land, building and infrastructure, investors are then given the real estate and commercial units. This accomplishes four goals:

1: It creates the concept of a property resort development that does not rely on selling real estate to be successful, indeed if not a single house, villa, shop, office or attraction within the resort development were sold it would still flourish.

2: It creates a risk free investment, as Investor’s gain an immediate capital asset, which at the least would be to the value of their investment and at the most represent an 600% ROI (Return on Investment).

3: The creation of the resorts creates enough jobs and flow of money to pull the USA out of economic weakness, indeed there will be more jobs created than there are unemployed people in America (23,000,000)

4: In the case of the 27,000,000 small to medium businesses that would operate within the resorts, they will have no shop or office rental costs and as such increase their potential profit margins. The major factor to the success of EEE is the many millions of companies and supplying the resort company generating profit, most make profit now, pro rata make a far greater percentage than their big business counterparts.

Of the 27 Million small and medium sized companies only a fraction of them are required to make EEE and the resorts successful, said companies can either invest directly, incorporate their current businesses into the resort company using its current “outside” profits within the first 4 year period to pay for investment, or in many or most cases companies will be rescued from failure (+/- 650,000 a year in the USA) and turned into profit, again using “outside” profits within the first 4 year period to pay for investment. Once the 4 years is up their profit pool is considered their investment and they receive a shop, office, venture share or industrial unit, in the case of companies that have done well, real estate on top, at the end of the day their investment and efforts in real terms are a real estate acquisition, which in the majority of cases will be worth two or three times their effective purchase price.

If we take a look at the two main sources of expenditure; building and the creation of solar arrays, combined from the earth upwards there would be many thousands of components used, from light switches, to sand, to iron, to microprocessors, add all the other goods and services that will be made for and or sold in the resorts, and exported from food and drink to precious metals and couture and per resort millions of different components are needed.

Currently we are looking at 4096 US resorts; this gives each resort a catchment area of approximately 30 x 30 miles and a catchment population of 80,000. It is not necessary or for that matter possible for each resort to house every single business and industry type to make all that is to be sold, in general resorts will split into groups or “leagues” of 8 from where the majority of elements can be found or produced , the balance imported from resorts further afield. The combined businesses within all the resorts becoming the backbone of “The Global Trade Network” (GTN) which we have simply dubbed “businessbook”, considering the opportunity, software and network ambitions, philanthropy and the authors financial ambitions (none) to think Mark Zuckerberg would not be interested in assisting would be naïve, and with Mark Zuckerberg comes the biggest brand in the world as an ally “facebook”

Businessbook companies make / spend their profit in a different manor to normal companies, within the resort, profit is pulled together 50% is divided equally the balance as per performance as such if one company (a) made (pro rata to its initial investment) $100,000 and another (b) $900,000, company (a) would receive $300,000 and company (b) $700,000. This money is then divided into (I) Mandatory Spending, (II) Dividends, (III) reinvestment in current development (IV) A slush fund for a new development, where the company receives more Real Estate (V) A continuous cash injection into said new development, of which the founding development/company owns half, and as such gets returned dividends and more real estate, commercial property, share of solar array, venture or industrial unit.

Due to (III) reinvestment in current development, when all is said and done, over the first 4 years, excluding land costs an amount of over $2 Billion would be spent on construction. Instead of using the “businessbook” network to dramatically lower the cost of all supplies and implementations due to the vast orders, it looks only for good value, as such leaving all suppliers and contractors room to make a healthy profit margin, the businessbook system will however largely dictate which suppliers of components each business will purchase from, generally offering a choice of four, sometimes only one, if said company is lagging behind in its profit quota.

Over the last 12 years, the various specifications for the businessbook, “S-World” and the “Sienna” software family have been envisioned, to dub it, next generation would be less than fair, next generation was the work completed up to August 2011 and given time to examine the various concepts especially what the software achieves, none would argue. The work since August culminating in the “PQS” (Predictive Quantum Software) skips many generations, it is in effect “self conscious software”, software that thinks independently, and within 16 years it is desired to have equivalency of 100 Million free thinking human minds, capable of emotion, rationality, compassion and making decisions based human instinct, not just mathematical precision and prowess.

A turning point in the creation of all that is EEE was in early April 2011 and the writing of “The Spartan Theory” its first constituent a film script named “The Sienna Project” designed to counter the concern of the public that the totality of the software and networks were akin to SkyNet, (Terminator). The story tells of an 8 month old baby called Sienna, lost to this earth that “communicates the schematics of software to her farther for her to communicate through, to help open a portal in order to aid humanity”. The moral of the story, if software is to become self conscious, then it is inevitable, and better its consciousness akin to an innocent baby than a military computer that has never known love.

In October 2011, the author wrote a follow up article entitled “About the Sienna Movie Trilogy” its conclusion

“As to the birth of self conscious software, I’ve since have a different conception, it’s more like, software is already conscious, it is basically an extension of our brain, it does a specific thing to aid the brain, and so it is always interacting with the consciousness of us, as such it’s often conscious, just not in the way people thought it would be.

I’m not 100% or even 50% of the way there, but I’m looking not at software becoming self aware, rather we become aware, aware of what? Aware of ourselves, what we can do, and maybe even, what we are supposed to do.

As such, when it is mentioned that the software will have a human equivalency of 100 Million people, it is just that, on one side of the software will be global business, on the other 100 Million people, assisting the businesses, in the middle, the software assisting the process, helping people overcome the fact they can only use but a tenth of their brain, so assisted by what their brain created.

The software links the businesses with the “businessbook” employees that work at the universities within the resorts, 25% of investment money is split pro rata over 4 years, then continued via the pre mentioned mandatory spending of resort profits, $62,500,000 per year per company, $125,000,000 per resort, year 1 to 4 $512 Billion a year leading to $2,048 Trillion a year, by year 12 to 16 multiplied roughly by 4 for the rest of the world equals $8,192 Trillion a year roughly 1/9th of current Global GDP, at $60,000 per staff member 100 million staff and $2,2 Trillion for operations. An immense global think tank, largely sharing technology and patents, the advances that will be created would take centuries using current economics.

Initially businessbook university investment per resort is split, 1: 25% building and construction employees, from craftsmen to building logistics specialists, 2: 25% software and networks developers, 3: 25% scientific & pharmaceutical research, 4: businessbook sales, logistics and support team. Each department has an analytics division that works with the PQS, each department spends 25% of its budget on a sports media and advertising team, which works as a single unit, global sports leagues are created, the number of resorts (4096) is specific to a global league, with 6 divisions, from top to bottom.

It is highly likely that FIFA will seriously consider this framework as the basis for the FIFA global league they have been craving for tens of years. It will certainly be the founder of the next wave of motor racing, one cannot eradicate fossil fuel usage in the USA without converting the population to electric cars, considering the research funds within four years technology should have moved on to the point of creating powerful electric cars for both racing and domestic use, each resort has a race track, that interlinks with the street network, soon the stigma of electric cars will be gone, to assist the public an idea that each house comes with a car is in the air, and as is the heavy taxing of fossil fuel cars within the resorts.

The sports leagues help to promote the resort and bring the 160,000 local residents to visit and spend, to further reinforce this point, the more charismatic of the sports stars will present and sometimes act in documentaries and TV series made within the resorts, combined with the 7 other resorts in its “league”, local TV will have about 20 new interesting, well produced TV channels, with access to over 10,000 made across the country, this forms part of S-World.TV

S-World was started in 2000, originally a 3D virtual world, by May 2011 it was to be considered a virtual business network made exciting my the “teleport to GPS” function where one can jump to friends locations and see all that they can see. Since this time S-World ambition have progressed significantly. Its intention to be the operating system for digital computer televisions which in a handful of years will be the norm, with the 3D world, tens of thousands of free channels and most major TV broadcasters and media companies investors in EEE, S-World TV will in all likelihood be the future of all broadcasting and media, made stronger by a generous portion of pulled funds in excess of $50 Billion a year allocated to assist in creating commercial movies and TV series, which of course will only be available on resort cinemas or S-World TV, besides the extra cash available to top producers, the EEE story and the good it can do will entice the most popular program makers and filmmakers to S World. Without programs and with the public knowing that standard TV networks operate for profit only and do no good in the world, an utter monopoly is on the cards, as is right.

The sports media team also double up as the advertising and media companies for all EEE companies, whist initially the money comes from investment and mandatory spending as the prime function and directive of the sports and media department is to assists the promotion of EEE business products and the popularization of the resorts to the local community, it is highly likely, considering advertising, product placement, sponsorship, gate receipts and contact ownership that the division makes profit independently as opposed to being just a well thought out essential PR loss leader.

The businessbook sales, logistics and implementation division, will work largely hand in hand with the software and network development division, going on site to businesses in the local area, assisting them with tailoring the software and networks to their business, assisting with accounts, analyzing data and advising on threats and opportunities, with no business more than 30 Miles away personal onsite support is frequent, the support and the software costs to the businesses nothing!

All told, by increasing business analysis, offering advice, advising of opportunities, improving financial systems, reducing the need for financial or administrative staff, removing the need for accountants and auditors, offering free technology, assisting with government regulations, providing guaranteed orders at a healthy profit margin, removing rent as a cost, investing in new factories and elevating or gaining more value from marketing and advertising costs, it is desired and expected for most businesses to operate at a 50% profit margin, considering all factors many will make far more.

Failure rate is zero, as all businesses are combined and monitored, if a business is falling short, they are prioritized in the businessbook order system and their goods sold faster, or for a greater margin, whist the business annalists assess and correct the problem. This works with both components and retail as on line sales will of course play a major part, and with original concepts like “The facebook Gifts Idea” simply making one suppliers perfume, or flowers first in searches will increase orders, for apparel an increased presence on the S-World shopping network, for other retail goods, prominent places in EEE hypermarkets and shops that will pop up all around the resort local towns within its catchment area. Whenever deliberate action is needed to make sure a supplier or retailer is making its quota, an immense effort from the businessbook team both in logistics and media will be made to fix the problem.

The software and logistics team working as a unit, alongside the media units, all will be advised of new opportunities and threats to look out for, as such, new opportunities can be applied to the weaker companies first, the opportunities come from others across the USA who have successfully applied a new technique or logic to their endeavors, for instance a farmer in Ohio discovers a new trick to making organic apples really tasty, and it’s made excellent profit for him, the process is analyzed by the PQS and advised to the businessbook team who inform a California orchard, who implements it and become stronger for it, without in any way effecting the profitability of the Ohio farmer. It’s a small example but a million small examples a year, and in time a billion improvement each year will make a big difference, in all areas.

After 4 years or sooner in the case of excelling resorts, the second phase of the resort is created, half using the profits from the first resort and half from new investment or assimilated companies. As such a continued state of building is sustained and as such substantial profit, the second phase however introduces SURH’s (Super University Resort Hospitals) and an increase in production of solar batteries. The second resort also has a substantial amount of profit from the first resort following into it; this is called “POP” Pressure of Profit” and besides its immense growing power of future resorts as the POP gains momentum, it also compensates for the initial resort building companies gaining the contracts for the next phases.

After 4 years the process repeats, all be it on a different site, or in the case of resorts on the circumferences of cities an expansion into the cities themselves may occur. After another 4 years the last mandatory resort or “place” is made, during the process companies can expand abroad, so long as the company is on target to create the 4 resorts over the time period, all be it if it takes a little longer it still accomplishes the economic purpose of removing Medicaid and Medicare Bills, so by reducing interest on debt and allowing for the current promised social security payments to be made without harm to the USA economy.

After 4 years each resort is obliged to spend +/- $44 million (9% of projected resort profit) a year on its solar array, within 16 to 24 years the arrays will power the entire USA, during this process for every $1 the resort spends it generates 75 cents returned as profit (50 cents by companies making the arrays, 25 cents via sale of energy), at the end of the 16 years investment per resort, 25 to 50 cents per 1$ spent will be recouped each year in pure profit from the sale of power, generating close to $4Trillion each year.

All considered save examining the math and detail which is extensive, accurate and solid there can be only one question: Can the investment be raised $8,192 Trillion over 4 years, or more to the point $4,096 Trillion over one year? The answer is an easy yes, the top two banks in the world alone hold over that amount, and it will not be the author asking, rather the likes of facebook, Microsoft, Google, Apple and the USA Democratic and Republican parties.

Besides from a here and now investor point of view considering EEE, “American Butterfly” and “The Spartan Theory” are an economic solution that substantially lowers fossil fuel dependency and assists with most of world’s health problems, even a slow start with a handful of resorts, or just one will see immense public backing, the advertising of such simple and cost effective, print 30 Million books (recycled paper and double trees planted) and distribute them for free across the USA one per 10 people.

Considering the software plans and available patents and the POP growth system, initial investors would make considerably more from a slow start, simply as there is less competition. This is text book, the PQS has already shown the profits considerably increased by halving the original 16,384 individual resort companies to 8,192, cutting the number further increases company profitability but slows US economic growth. In all likelihood, 16 companies would be the most effective profit generating scenario, if you are reading this now, and your prime motivation is money not glory and a place in history, you would be better off if this were a small $16 Billion business investment plan rather than a global economic solution. Either way, one has nothing to lose and much to gain, by assisting the author, and bringing “American Butterfly” to the next stage, which is simply to create a quality presentation, undisputed by experts.

Especially considering the current need for said presentation, is for those that were reading now, in many ways, the author is simply requesting assistance in the due diligence that and investor would need to perform.

Part 1: Introduction
1b: History

After 11 years creating researching and financially analyzing the various components that are presented in “American Butterfly” on March 18th 2011 a basic business plan, financials and profit forecasts were sent to VIRGIN brands SA, who had been chosen as the recipient in August 2008. The first line of the executive summary stated:

“Welcome to Sienna, Sienna is software, a baby that will evolve from an idea into networking business software the likes of which have not yet been imagined. My peers describe Sienna as” Face Book for business” I like to consider her “The Global Distribution System”. This was true; the full potential had not yet been imagined!

At the time of sending, I decided to seed all financial reward to the betterment of mankind, a significant gesture as the financial analysis showed $170 Million over 5 years increased to $50 Billion if the basic designs could be assimilated into all industries and big business. Time passed and on the 7th April they informed me, the work was to be sent to the London Big Ideas Committee.

This sparked a phase of heighten creativity, and “The Spartan Theory” where the concept of creating operations basses to assist the network in the form of resorts envisaged, from here my share of profit could be used to assist the local communities, as such creating unlimited perpetual PR for the network, this exercise was later named “Give Half Back”

Disputes over my wished the project to assist the size fire in Libya lead to an end of talks with VIRGIN, I had by this point realized that a technology partner was essential to the process, all be it I had no idea that communication with the likes of Google and facebook was so hard, I spent the next 5 months refining the software, networking and business specifications and made presentations for both
Google and facebook 2, 3 then created a website to display the work www.s-world.biz.

In September, it was time to apply the software and networking concepts to economics and a Greek economic plan was developed involving the creation of “New Sparta, City of Science” The idea to make the resorts into a gigantic practice university was brilliant, it basically meant that there would be no research costs and millions of people to assist in creating the network, it was considered that we would need to network 500,000 individual Greek business and it would take 2 million people 4 years to do it. Further it was decided instead of just making the financial software calculate to audit, further pay tax, thus solving the main Greek economic problem, tax evasion.

Since writing “The Spartan theory” I had been working in tandem on a consciousness experiment and indulging in theoretical science first “String Theory” then “TOE” then “Chaos Theory” and “The Butterfly Effect” the former lead to “POP” (Pressure Of Profit) and some astonishing results in company growth, the latter becoming the foundation for the “PQS” (Predictive Quantum Software) now the major tool in all financial and economic analysis.

It was time to go to the UK and find some allies, all be it throughout November I deviated and considered some fledgling PR idea’s based around product placement in some movie and TV series scripts written about the subject, intertwined with a think tank to further the ideas process.

Arriving in the UK it was time to get serious, leave the theoretical science and concentrate on the Economics, for many months I had been considering how to apply “The Spartan Theory” to the USA, but had not cracked it, then the inspiration to go back to basics, instead of what was then 16 “New Sparta” type cities, split it up to about 8,000 small resorts, as such no business would be more than 30 miles away from an operations centre.

Analysis of the USA problems, showed that whist the debt seemed to me the major problem, the bigger concern was Medicare, Medicaid and to an extent Social Security, combined all were underfunded by $55 Trillion or so. As such a hospital paid for out of “Give Half Back” money to accommodate the recipients would cost just 10% or so of funds, whist creating excellent PR and drawing people to the resort. Analysis from the PQS showed this single measure would solve the problem; there are 9 other solutions to add, not just fixing but empowering the USA economy to profit and eventually zero debt.

Part 2: US Economic Analysis by the PQS
“Predictive Quantum Software”

To fix today, one must fix tomorrow, as daunting as a $1, 5 Trillion yearly increase in debt may seem, it is the bleak economic forecasts of the 2020’s and 2030’s that the economist say are the main threat, fix that and the economists will give the green light to current debt levels, and with future economic confidence follows current economic strength.
In 2007 Ben Bernanke the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was asked: How urgently should the U.S. put plans in place to address its budget challenges? His reply: "The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more difficult the objectives are going to be. I think the right time to start was about 10 years ago.”

No one disagrees, particularly the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) however they are sending a message no one wants to hear and presenting it in a very boring manner, without alternative. The measures that need to be taken in current economics are politically toxic and will not be implemented, as such this will happen.

PQS-PE, GDP Forecast:
Government Tax Yield Usually Equals 18% GDP
GDP Typically reduces by 1.3 to 2% when GDP Debt Ratio = 90%.

If you are not familiar with GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (What the USA sells) consider the 2009 figures, 25.1% of GDP $14 Trillion = $3,514 Trillion, then consider the usual tax yield is 18% $2,520 Trillion, in effect in 2009 it was only $2,105 Trillion. As such they had to borrow, $1,413 Trillion. The higher the % of GDP needed for commitments, the more they have to borrow. By 2021 its pretty much game over and the previously mentioned “draconian cuts” will be enforced not by political will, rather out of necessity, much like Greece is today, but with a population 30 times the size, of which half will rely on medical aid and social security that the USA cannot pay for.

If you have the spreadsheet “PQS” (Predictive Quantum Software) to hand, please open it, the first page “The Purple Emperor” is presented as a game, “The Kobayashi Maru GDP GAME” named after the unwinnable war game scenario created by “Spock” in Star Trek” you can change all the relevant figures (in purple) as such, no one can argue with the PQS results as the variables are changeable. You will see no matter how you play the game (within any reason) it is unwinnable. Even if the USA borrows not a single cent from this day forward, it can’t meet its obligations.

The “All other commitments” are in a fashion safe enough, all be it wars add an unnecessary burden, the main threat is Medicaid & Medicare as the enrolment in Medicare will soon increase from 48 Million to 80 Million, add to this the rising costs of medical technology and pharmaceuticals and the associated borrowing costs and we see the sharp rise. Cutting both Medicaid and Social Security, is not only harmful, it’s unfair as they are social insurance packages, the recipients having paid into them all their lives via various Parole taxes. The trouble is, the money was spent on tax cuts and wars and now a $55 Trillion deficit is in effect.
One cannot change Social Security, which is mainly pensions, relied upon by over 30 Million citizens and rising, one can however address the Medical plans. This is done by attacking the problem with three initiatives, 1: Build hospitals in the resorts and staff them, 2: Use “Spartan labor” to significantly reduce salaries, 3: Use the universities to create patent free pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. This is the PQS results for these initiatives…. (Page 2 of Spreadsheet)

Part 3:”Give Half Back”

3a Medi Outreach & Super University Resort Hospitals (SURH’s)

To avoid confusion over the name and sentiments, Give Half Back, stands for Giving half the profit back to better mankind, however as it turns out, in many cases the money spent makes substantial profit as such mandatory spending is more only about 20%, which in turn is a good price to pay for the associated brand love and as such from financial terms it really should be called give nothing back.

More than just a catchy political slogan, “Give Half Back” is ingenious branding, especially if targeted to maximum effect. Mark Zuckerberg owns just over 25% of facebook, and no one complains if he receives 25% of the dividends. By the time the analysis has been done, whoever is reading will realize the combined software, business, economic & branding plans contained within “American Butterfly” and on the www.s-world.biz website are worth an awful lot more than facebook is. The work is in effect decades ahead of its time, and considering its philanthropic and ecological ambitions arrives not a minute too late, as such no one would argue its creator was due at least 25% of its dividends.

“Give Half Back” is a very fluid concept right now, most likely it always will be, I’ve not yet correlated all the data, and can only make estimates, we know how much each resort plot will cost $1Billion, and so far the PQS is showing about the same generated within 4 years (not including real estate) after which, we are looking at somewhere between $350 and $700 Million a year.

Eventually by 2029 there will be 80 Million Medicare patients and 45 Million Medicaid patients to look after, 125 Million in total, all be it with extra employment created by the various resorts universities and hospitals, particularly focusing on dependant mothers, the Medicaid numbers will fall by as much as 20 Million, as such 105 Million. Starting with 8,192 resorts most will duplicate within 4 years (explained on page 8) from there by 2029 a further duplication is likely, as such 32,768 resorts and resort hospitals, estimating 10 bed nights per patient equates to 89 beds per resort, all in private rooms, or indeed on site private nursing villas.

In general to staff 24/7 the math works out at one nurse per patient, to create an improvement, as improvement is always necessary one can double this number to 2 per patient. By using Spartan labor the average salary for a nurse would be $40,000 as such x 220 = $8,800,000. Doctors salaries using “Spartan Labor equal $125,000 a year, A generous 1:5 doctor patient ratio equates to $2,75,000, add auxiliary staff and maintenance costs and yearly operations are under $15,000,000, under 5% of worst case scenario yearly profits.

Spartan Labor” is an initiative to recruit approximately 400 persons per resort of no means, often single mothers with children and laborers. A fixed mortgage for a house will accompany an Intern/Resident/Professional contract; in general workers will work for 30 hours study for 16 and do sports for 4. Once professional the contract lasts for 16 years, however all are still in a perpetual state of learning, as such many of the nurses in the hospitals will be proficient if not qualified in doctoring, “Spartans can move between resorts and take year gaps, free will is essential however should they wish to brake their contract and education fee will be levied against their property.

Pharmaceuticals, within the universities (covered in the next chapter) and within the SURH hospitals themselves (Super University Resort Hospitals) medical & pharmaceutical research will be one priority, the results “open source”, not just to associated companies, but the entire world. By 2029 with over 100,000 global SURH facilities at least 90% of all pharmaceutical and medicines will be patent free, probably all.

To kick start the process we could look to Johnson and Johnson, with 5 of their 7 big pharmaceutical patents running out in two years and only a 36% of their money coming from pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson would be open to new revenue streams. J&J make about 7 Billion a year from pharmaceuticals, possibly reduced by half come 2014, given the opportunity to make similar or greater figures via the opportunities afforded to “American Butterfly” investors; a carte blanche patent free pharmaceutical license to “American Butterfly” companies from J&J is not an unrealistic goal. Such a gesture would greatly increase their brand love, which is needed as there are protests against their failure to put urgently needed HIV drugs in the medicines patent pool. It’s quite possible other pharmaceutical companies would also follow suite, in part via opportunities in part in response to the threat.

As for medical technologies and equipment, all can be researched at the universities and created in the industrial parks (page 10) as such medical technologies become a profit centre. As indeed will the SURH’s themselves, with the building paid for, and twice as many doctors and nurses than is needed, set within a cross between a hospital and a 6 star resort hotel, which is exactly how it will be, by expanding the hospital to be able to cater for regular health insured patients, one creates an income source. 6% of US citizen’s money is spent on health care; it is a huge profit centre.

The other benefits of course are attracting local citizens to the resort and its retail section, plus attracting house purchasers to buy property that is linked or near to the SURH’s. Not to mention the brand love associated with a resort that freely assists all that need to be assisted, especially the 230,000,000 children and grand children of the Baby Boomers who would otherwise, well, I guess there no better way to put it, be dead.
As such like most “Give Half Back” initiatives, overall the Medi Outreach & SURH’s initiate is to the overall profitability of the collective “American Butterfly” plan a profit centre.

Part 3:”Give Half Back”
3b: Resort Universities and Alternate Energies

Before the “Give Half Back” process begins, 25% of the initial investment money is allocated to the universities, all be it about 8% of these funds are too be dedicated to the oversight of the construction and building, for which the balance of 75% of investment is due.

The universities are practical in nature where by roughly half the time spent by teachers, specialist’s, interns and students alike is spent working on the software, S-World & Businessbook. (All explained over the next 3 pages.)
Investment being a minimum of $1Billion per resort leaves $250,000,000 which is pro rata split over 4 years, thus $62,500,000 per year. The exact make up of how these funds will be spent will vary some, as a loose estimate 25% will be dedicated to businessbook, 25% software, 25% General research and teaching and 25% Spartan labor (construction)

The software will aid recruitment, assist research & teaching, create the backbone of businessbook and assist with building economics and logistics. Businessbook will aid recruitment, lower costs and increase profits. Spartan labor will greatly increase the quality and cost of construction. All of these departments will effectively have internal research and teaching elements and will bounce of each other.

General research and teaching will initially focus on pharmaceuticals, medical technologies and alternate energies, with a $15,625,000 budget multiplied by initially 8192 and greatly increasing over time, we have an annual $128 Billion research and teaching budget, greatly assisted by an equal software development budget. This is enough to make significant advances in pharmaceuticals and alternate energy, far more that the top 5 US pharmaceutical companies combined.

Once the four years are up and the initial investment university funds are spent, we rely on “Give Half Back” for funding, as such $62,500,000 a year. Add to this $15,000,000 for the “SURH” and we are at $72,500,000. When analyzed, broken down and the money followed, this $72,500,000 generates far more than $72,500,000 for the resort and EEE, however it is still a figure that needs to be accounted for. Considering we are looking at between $300,000,000 and $700,000,000 a year (explained in Page 11: The “PQS” Resort Profitability Statistics.) we are not close to half, as such there is enough proverbial fat on the cow to invest heavily in Alternate energy equipment, all of which will in itself be manufactured by resort companies, from the very iron ore from the ground used to make the farms to the sand that creates the glass in solar panels, as such creating orders for many, many companies, and as such profit for many, many companies, all told roughly half of the money spent on alternate energy components will be turned into profit.

Having done some rudimental research on alternate energy solar is preferred; this is the Ecological Experience Economy, and as such wind turbines are out as they kill the birds as are river dams as they kill the fish, mountain dams largely collecting melted snow water are acceptable, but regionalized to where there are snow covered mountains.

The USA spends about $2.8Trillion a year on energy (loose statistic), currently a 500 KW solar array becomes profitable over +/- 9 years as such discounting inflation over nine years the USA will spend $2.8Trillion x 9 = $25.2Trillion on power. Divide this by 32,768 resorts and each resort needs to spend $770 Million on their solar array. Divide this over 16 years and we get $48 Million a year, factor in a 150% increase of energy usage = $72 Million, factor in a two third decrease in cost due to improved technology both in power output and manufacturing and we are left with $24 Million a year to power the entire USA.

Further consider that the manufacturing and technology will be from grain of sand to complete array created by EEE companies and we should expect a profit of $12 Million a year, add to that the income from selling the power and we add 5.3 Million. The latter being a bonus yearly income once all the arrays are built.

For total effect the USA needs to convert to electric cars, which in itself is another source of profit, by heavily taxing cars in resorts and not having petrol for sale, we discourage usage. You may have wondered at the number of resorts 8,192 and the persistent use of the number 16, this is a part on a non chaotic number sequence, inspired by the creation of Global sports leagues, if you divide by two, 14 times you get a winner. Sport and sports leagues are a big part of EEE, all resorts have been given a generous allowance to build a race circuit and integrate it into the resort proper. Creating a league and popularizing the racing of electric cars will remove the electric car “fuddy duddy” stigma, and in time the universities will have created sufficient power output to make the races truly exciting.

Overall, we are at a mandatory spending of $15,000,000 for the SURH (Super University Resort Hospital) $62,500,000 for the university proper (split $15,625,000 building efficiency, businessbook, software development &) plus $24,000,000 for the solar arrays. All told $101,500,000 under 1/3rd of the lowest profit estimates.
And that’s the basics of “Give Half Back” it’s very fluid constantly evolving; basically it’s the best way to “do the right thing” with what would be my share of the dividend income. Its money that no one would have had, and when all is said and done, all factors considered, it’s probably the single most effective money maker of all. As without its components, all other business ventures are just, well just the same as everyone else’s.

There is a strong argument that a $25,000,000 per resort spent on Space Ventures would have a positive effect on companies pride branding & global peace, when EEE is fully global including government additions, this would generate about $5Trillion a year, a significant sum.

Part 4: Software Designs and Specifications.
4a: Business software

The software described on this page is intrinsically linked to “businessbook and S-World as described over the next two pages, this page however describes the foundations of the house, which come as 4 pillars: financial, auditing, customer relations and recruiting. One main difference between this software and others, is its initial cost and subsequent support costs, it costs nothing, all updates are free, comes with +/- $40,000 free on site setup and monitoring, and $4,000 yearly on site support, or more to the point “advise” (See PQS Spreadsheet: “businessbook 4 Years)

The software is initially created for, sole traders, small and medium size businesses (up to 99 staff), with a view to including medium enterprises 99 to 499 staff; this covers 99.7% of the 27,500,000 USA businesses and 52% of all working Americans (38% in companies under 100 staff). SME’s produce 13 times more patents per staff member than large firms, create more than half (non farm) GDP and have created 65% of new jobs over the last 17 years. Of these companies 21,400,000 are sole traders and 6,000,000 have staff.

Since the 2007 financial crisis about 650,000 SME’s have closed each year, up 100,000 from pre 2007 figures. Firms with fewer than 20 employees spend four and a half times as much per employee ($10,500) to comply with environmental regulations and three times more per employee on tax compliance than their largest counterparts. Only half of firms with fewer than 9 employees offer health insurance to their staff. Half of all sole traders and SME’s go bust within 5 years, cutting this number by 33% would save/create 24,000,000 jobs, this is more jobs than there are unemployed people, combine this with the jobs created by the Give Half Back operations and we find one of the biggest challenges to EEE is lack of man/woman power

All Software: All software described, will be adapted to specific industries, niches and sizes, 100 variations are desired within a year, 1000 within 4, tailoring current out the box business software to the specifics of one industry can sometimes be impossible, or in the authors experience very expensive; $300,000 spent on correctly installing a $150 software product “Pastel Accounting” only to find it was unsuitable.

All Software: needs to be well presented, engaging and incredibly simple, it is to be designed to such simplicity that the average 12 year old child could successfully run the USA economy, all be it there will be millions of people assimilating, analyzing and verifying the data before it is presented. (A friendly popup on the GDP analysis may say “China’s GDP slowed by 0.35% last quarter, ripple effect suspected, suggest lowering increased infrastructure budget by 25%, click here to activate”. Or for a small company on the network creating components for solar panels “USA additional infrastructure budget cut by 25%, suspected ripple effect will decrease orders by 6.5% suggest not hiring new employee, click here to activate.

Financial Software: The financial software needs to be connected to the order process, supply process and the banks seamlessly so there is no human interactions in the financial process, this may require some API links, which will be created by businessbook. Its main CEO interface will need to offer both monthly balances (profit and loss) and monthly overall profit/debt figures, calculated in different ways, and if the figures don’t match an investigation is launched. Additional overall profit/debt figures are to be presented including asset appreciation/depreciation. The business is to be given near unlimited on site accounting support to set up and capture previous data; the businessman may call on support at any time, finances will be analyzed and suggestions offered by the businessbook team. The financial software and businessbook assistance in effect eliminates the need for any financial staff.

Auditing Software: Completes financial output data to government approved audit, saves money on regulation’s accountants and auditors fees, often completed with assistance from the businessbook staff.

Sales Software: Not only providing the CEO/Owner with exact sales figures broken up by sales person, displaying sales figures to all creates healthy competition especially if done in a good looking dramatic way. To get the best knowledge of what is going on, one also needs to track the lost conversions, and why they happened, stats of how many communications occurred are useful, even if a sale did not occur, it could show that a particular sales person is adept at engaging the client but poor at closing and various tutorials could be watched on S-World or a shared sales approach adopted, with the closer coming in after the fish is on the proverbial line.

CRM Software: Customer relationship management software will automate the niceties so often forgot by sales people, from simple thank you and how was your enjoyment emails, to birthday or Christmas cards sent, to flowers and gifts sent to hi spending clients on special occasions. (See how this concept adapted to facebook would generate around 5 times their current add revenue)

Organizer: linked to the S-World 3D business network, all clients or order activities need to be displayed simply on a time line, with staff actions (for instance responding to an SMS) needed on system to make sure they remember events, arrivals, departures, price changes, policy changes, client order changes etc.

Total Email: Sifts through generic (info@you.com) and previous staff email addresses looking for key works relevant to the sales process “I’d like to order 16 pallets of product X1237 please” where the words “pallets”, “product” & “X1237” are keywords, once identified as a possible sale generating email, it will be presented as such

Recruitment: linked to the S-World 3D business network, supplies various aptitude and psychological tests to gauge the suitability of employees. See example. Data is not simply static, text are designed to see how the potential employee will fit in with the current team, in both “peace and harmony” and “Edge of Chaos” the latter whist sounding ominous, if successfully managed is the best scenario for driving innovation

HR Contentment
: linked to the S-World 3D business network, provides continuing psychological and aptitude testing for employees, identifies problem areas, dishonesty threats, motivational factors, staff relationship factors and identifies untapped potential. Tests take only 10 minutes once a week.

Part 4: Software Designs and Specifications.
4b: Businessbook - The Global Trade Network (GTN)

The backbone concept for businessbook was created in 2003, three years before, Macromedia (Now Adobe) has informed the author that a 3D Virtual Tour/World could not be made for the internet, in 2002 the Author proved them wrong, the following year it was offered its own Digital TV channel. The way to make money from both internet & TV sales was to connect to a GDS (Global Distribution System) this gave instant booking capabilities for over half the worlds travel service. Galileo were approached, and then with the Grandsons of Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela, the author chaired an initiative to bring Saber GDS to Africa. Whist ultimately unsuccessful as the technology was not ready it became a base for a far larger project.

The idea of an all powerful “Global Trade Network” (GTN) is nothing new, and with most databases now formatted as such that they can be integrated via API links, it’s also possible. There must be a million people/companies who have considered the possibilities and a hundred companies seriously considering having a go; “The world Trade Centre”, “Galileo” & “Amadeus” to name but a few. The problem is twofold, one; it is an incredibly expensive operation, each ADS (Alternate Distribution System) of which there are many millions requires tens sometimes hundreds of man hours to connect to the network. Secondly “the willingness of ADS’s”, as most ADS’s have the sole ambition of getting more exclusive stock, be it hotels, or sugar beet, unless it really worked for them, sharing their inventory with others diminishes their control, as if their exclusive products see they are being sold via another system, they would often approach said system directly.

You may have found it odd, that we did not factor in bulk purchasing into the costing for the solar arrays, you will find later when it comes to building a few million houses it’s not factored in their either. The solar array baseline figures come from one farmer in Oregon spending $2,000,000 which made profit in 9 years. One would assume the collective purchasing or orders of $25,000,000,000,000 (25 Trillion) would decrease the price substantially, especially a steady order over 16 years. Few would argue in the marketplace one would insist on paying half price or less.

The reason bulk purchasing has not been factored in, is because we do not wish to cut our own profit margins, the second half of investment per resort $500,000,000 is exclusively offered to useful or local companies, there are probably 50 or so different companies involved in making a solar array. Starting with the iron ore, for the steel and the sand for the panels and all that comes in between, galvanizing the steel, the many transistors, the wires, the screws and many other components, all get made somewhere. As such we look to recruit at least one company for each component or material.

These companies invest and get an operations license, assimilate themselves fully, or are assisted by us to remain solvent, as we know there will be 600,000 companies going bust each year, and with strong business software, a team of business analysts, guaranteed orders, free technology, new factories and no marketing costs, they will make profit and that profit will pay for their investment. After which they will be full EEE companies and will follow the EPC/POP business rules, as explained on page 8.

As an EEE company it’s important that any SME generates over 50% profit a year, cutting the cost of all arrays via bulk buying, would not afford the company to easily do so, it also created deflation, which in turn, lowers GDP, it further eliminates its non EEE competitors who cannot compete, as such one will have won the companies battle’s only to have lost the economic war.

And this is the supporting structure of businessbook, for guaranteed orders all the millions of individual companies that trade with each other must buy from fellow businessbook suppliers, unless a substantially better deal is available, in which case said supplier would soon be integrated. And of course it is these companies that the previously mentioned $40,000 software and networking set up will apply to first, however in just a 4 year period, there is enough funds to connect over half of all US businesses, and supply continued support, within 8 years more than enough for all businesses.

Allowing businesses that are not interested in joining the EEE business model makes sense on two levels, firstly one can charge a higher commission on the reselling of their goods, If Coca Cola were not interested in following the model, the collective order of 8,192 resorts and all others that brought from businessbook would receive the best bulk price, the difference, straight into the businessbook coffers.

Businessbook does not only have to be a trade supplier, via various internet portals goods can be sold to the public at better rates than any other could match, it’s been mentioned before, and if you have not played the “facebook gifts game” maybe do so now http://www.s-world.tv/Facebook/home.html you will see to make yearly incomes in the Trillions one relies on having the best prices, supply network, extensive range of goods and the concept of people buying in general, not just for special occasions but for every day use, as such a Global Trade Network needed to be championed, in a total manor. The totality of the pre mentioned base company structure and the free software and support is there for all to see, connecting it however to S-World creates the experience.

Part 4: Software Designs and Specifications.
4c: S-World – Virtual World, Media Network & Computerized TV Operating System

This page is written in a sell, sell, sell fashion, as is the way with S-World!

Be it “The Simms”, V World, Tomb Raider or Call of Duty, Virtual Worlds have been around for a long time, until recently however none had modeled one on real life, then last August it seemed Google had done so, all be it, it now seems to no longer be available and was in untypical Google fashion incredibly complicated to use. We sent Google the idea a few months before, they did not copy it or they would have used its full functionality but it does help with potential intellectual property ownership issues.

So a 3D virtual world that mirrors life, the way to make it popular and the first item of many that needs a patent is “Teleport to GPS” you’re at the office, your daughter phones from the top of a mountain in Verbier and says “it’s beautiful here Dad you must have a look”, she switches her phone to S-GPS locator on, and suddenly you are standing next to her (or her avatar) on top of the mountain, you can see all that she can see and do all that she can do, all be it you are looking at a 3D version on your laptop, ibook or TV. You are now free to ski down the slopes with your daughter and if her suitor is around you can blow him into a million pieces with a large bazooka mid ski, or whatever takes your fancy. Save a few add boards and the café having access to a few million EEE shops you don’t make much money out of this but it will make it very popular.

The travel and real estate connotations however are phenomenal, no one would go to a standard website to evaluate a hotel resort or a house, when they can look at it in glorious 3D, walk around, check the view from the bedroom, see how far it is to the beach, bars restaurants etc. Especially if one can book direct at an improved rate. Few will of course buy a house from an internet rendering no matter how accurate, they will however flush out the competition, one could see 50 houses in the time it takes to see one, not only creating a monopoly in both travel and real estate, but also greatly assisting the consumer in making the right choice.

Earlier we mentioned the shops, the only thing in S-World that does not mirror real life are the shops, instead of the shops that are there, they are EEE partner shops, Travel, Real estate, Megastores, Furniture Stores, even fashion. We say even fashion as the chance of someone buying clothes on line is small, or is it. First consider how the shop will look on line, one walks in and can browse the rails, if one looks at ladies dresses up pops a set of catwalk videos, of all the items available, modeled by people of different sizes, what looks good in one size often does not in another.

How does one pay for the videos? The resorts have a substantial Film/PR budget, from $10,000,000 a year upwards, all be it half if pulled into a communal pot for big ventures, as such there is a $41 Billion dollar film and TV series budget, for film and series that show EEE in a positive light, considering many films make a profit, this even on a bad day leads to an actual annual movie budget of 150 Billion or so.

Back at the resorts, various TV productions are locally made, however all the companies that operate at the resorts get their stock shot in a manor affording a top name brand showing of its best product, as such be it on the internet or on S-World the presentation of all EEE companies products is jaw droopingly appetizing.

This of course does not mean anyone is going to buy the clothes, as near everyone wishes to try them on, well with no resort more than 30 miles away and regular visits to see the sports events, hospital, university, work or just visit, one is often near the actual shop, which will have reserved the dresses you selected, you walk in, you try, you buy, taking e-commerce to a new level, and customer choice to unthought-of heights.

S-World.TV, is not just a 3D world but a TV operating system, in a matter of years all TV’s will be computers, as such they will need operating systems, that interact with the programs, considering there are $150 Billion of new films coming out exclusive to cinema and S-World TV and many or all media companies (SKY, VIRGIN etc) are desired partners in EEE, the marriage is perfect, Virtual Interactive world and shopping network, TV operating system, media company, film maker & broadcaster. One could not ban rival networks from the resorts (monopolies and mergers) but one could make S-World half their price for full bouquets, and a hundred or so channels for free, including a number of dedicated local channels. All in all the future way people will watch TV, view travel, real estate and retail on line and are all S-World

The gaming possibilities are of course endless, especially encouraging gamers to render where they live, the biggest connotation however and a concept considered and refined for over 8 years is “The Tutorial Game” played within S-World, it teaches people how to do business, starting before EEE advances, letting people make their own mistakes, then really appreciate it when the EEE software becomes available a piece at a time, the staff psyche test reveals, a staff member is dishonest, the finical software saving money on staff, eliminating fraud and giving accurate information.

It becomes the biggest recruiting tool, and seeing as there are so many vacancies, a big recruiting tool is certainly needed. It also works for the users as they can try themselves out in different industries, and will be advised by the system “hi John, have you ever considered being a stock broker, your aptitude and psyche evaluations suggest you may do well” so john the unskilled, unemployed laborer plays the game and wins or gets in the top 3 or so percent, as such, he is offered a Spartan contract and his life is changed for the better and we get an excellent grateful worker on a long term, contract costing half the price of a non Spartan.

Part 5: “The Resorts” Property Developments
5a: The Inspiration, History and Development of the “Resorts” concept.

Despite the author’s substantial experience in resorts, from drawing plans in Photoshop and building his own villa to owning the world’s most innovative Villa agency. The first hint of the resort plans was an afterthought to the original business plan written on April 4th in the form of selling the Virtual S-World shops within the paper “The new 21st Century Experience Economy” Two days later for the first time, the business plan included “A Theory” it was called “The new 21st Century Economic Football Theory” which detailed the creation of 16 football clubs with extensive youth camps in different countries that were to be used as a base of operations and expanded upon, and the hope of endorsement by FIFA.

A few days after this, it was considered that football is the great equalizer the inclusion of Libya as one of the 16 countries may be enough to stop the fighting, and a 20KM long area of coastline was identified near the As Sabkah al kabirah lakes. Besides having strategic motive, this decision was made just days after the author created the “Give Half Back” concept and wrote “The Sienna Project” as such the author was consumed with philanthropy, quote from journal “I heard a man from the Gaddafi camp pleading with the West to talk to him, my conscience would not let me sit back and do nothing when I felt I had even the faintest chance of assisting”. Unfortunately this addition to the VIRGIN business plan was not presented professionally and saw their withdrawal from the project.

Going back to the drawing board, Google were considered the next company to approach, as such the S-World Virtual world was concentrated on as it would marry well with Google maps. Within the June 2011 Google proposal a micro resort plan was identified and detailed 3 adjacent Villa complexes in Thailand, which were desired to be a base of operations and the scene for the rendering of S-World Virtual World and business network, it was here that the “Teleport to GPS” was created, but more important in resort terms was the enhancing of the desirability by separating the villa complexes into 3 distinct camps, 1: A home to the media, film, and model brigade, 2: Family orientated, 3: Music orientated. It was later considered that simply by being at complexes and filming, it would raise the price of the Villas not just for rental but for sale, as such an additional paper on resorts was added to the Google presentation.

Without response from GOOGLE, the viewing of “The Social Network” on July 12 changed direction towards facebook; over the next 2 months in the background of the various social networking software developments began the “New Sparta” City of Science project. With the Greek economy on the news every minute of every day, and the name of the project dubbed “The Spartan Theory” It made sense to look to see if Sparta still existed, which it did as a small town, in a remote part of Southern Greece called Laconia.

By September with the various plans for facebook complete with travel showing substantial profit and the very real possibility of adaptation to all industries. It was time to seriously consider the creation of New Sparta City of Science (Fig 1) a gigantic city divided into 16 main industry types, concentrating on different technical and scientific challenges on the coastal areas, with a Networking City, housing an embassy for all countries to the North. Infrastructure budgets were created, resort plans were developed, and investment analyses were crafted. Along the way came the concept of turning the City of Science into a practical university that dedicated 50% of its resources to Networking 500,000 Greek businesses, with secondary projects creating patent free pharmaceuticals, alternate energy research, and African and Middle Eastern desalinization projects.

All in all as a standalone project, considering the hype, software, networks and philanthropic ambitions, on paper the project worked, when all was said and done it was decided that within the 16 industry sectors, there would be 4 companies paying $4 Billion for +/- 4km2 of beachfront land with options for a further 12km2 , where 25% was allocated to University budgets, 25% was to buy the land, 25% was to build infrastructure and 25% used for building houses and retail/commercial units. The real estate and commercial units then given to the investors to keep or sell. Thus no longer was a non travel industry or software partner investing in “What may be the future of technology and networks within their sector” They were investing in land and Real Estate, and the future of technology just a bonus if it happens. As when all was said and done, the value of the real estate they received was worth more than their initial investment.

During this process, research into “Chaos Theory” unearthed a staggering way for the resort companies to store profit and expand, each time creating a new resort all be it in a different country. The work was encapsulated into one paper, entitled “EEE - The Economy for the next 14 Billion Years

The work by now had truly become an economic solution, for Greece, the networking of their businesses would add strength and vigor, attract other European companies to Greece and solve their Tax collection problems, the latter single handedly would put Greece into profit. It was however the creation of the jobs to build the city and to man the university that put the icing on the cake, on paper not just turning Greece into profit, but into an economic power house.

Added to the new Sparta initiative was the concept of creating 4 cities a quarter of the size in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland, and the idea that this money could come from China was conceived, all be it warnings of the wisdom of further empowering China were made and it was time to consider politics for the first time. At the same time as the original New Sparta plans were drawn up, it had been noticed that president Obama’s economic initiative, focused on many of the same objectives as the “New Sparta”: investment in infrastructure, technology and free trade, all be it the City or Resort plans needed no internal government investment.

In December 2012 the author returned to England to seek professional and political assistance, the first stop was to make contact with Chris Grayling MP, an appointment was set up and a paper made for presentation, now chapter 38: “Cities of Science”. Unfortunately or retrospectively fortunately despite the paper seeming to this day well considered Mr. Grayling described the work as intriguing but failed to assist, the word fortunately mentioned as the extra 3 months work and adaptation to the USA has greatly enhanced the work. It was considered the lack of assistance from the government may be due to the work focusing on Greece not The UK, in the UK such a plan could not work as there was not the land available, and the beginnings of the concept of making many smaller towns started to take shape. However disappointed with the government and seeing no strategic global economic value in assisting England, the grand prize was considered “America”

At first 16 New Sparta Like Cities were considered, this slowly turned into some large cities and a great deal of smaller ones, this seemed to further enhance the plan as it gave a central base for all that would work at businessbook to be able to go on site and talk face to face with clients. It also meant that the University Hospitals could be accesses by everyone in the USA.

Land price analysis of the USA even in California, showed land zoned for residential and commercial property was readily available and far less expensive than previously considered, with more land, properties could have huge gardens and acres of acres of wood and parkland could entwine even the smallest of plots, each plot could now be a full scale holiday resort.

Part 5: “The Resorts” Property Developments
5b: Location, Location, Location

The cleverest part of the resorts development that needs to be highlighted straight away is that for the business plan to succeed, not a single property needs to be sold.

The phrase Location, Location, Location is heard often in real estate, it means, the same property can change value depending on its location. Overcapitalizing on a property in a location baron of facilities and wow, will make a nice house, but not a good investment. Generally land value is increased by the addition of the following factors:

Good schools and universities, Excellent healthcare, Golf courses, Up market retail, Affordable retail looking up market, A Marina, An architecturally splendid mall, Plenty of parks and woodland, Water features, Quality hotels, Quality affordable hotels, An abundance of quality rentable property, Conferencing, A vibey downtown area, Jobs and opportunities, Excellent infrastructure, Lack of congestion, Safety, Privacy, Access to sports facilities, A fun environment, A child friendly district with excellent childcare, A holiday environment, A lack of sky scrapers obstructing ones view, A green environment, The Hollywood effect, Music, arts, plenty of entertainment and a story, if you do not have history, all you have is a story, on implementation there will be no greater story the “American Butterfly” and “EEE”

There are few places on this earth than combine all the above or even half the above, but with the exception of the Marina, which can only be built where there is a river to make a lake from, all the above will be in each resort.
Holiday resorts in general will have a good number of the above features but will lack probably what are too many the main ingredients: Quality Jobs, schools and universities, and no resort on the planet is to be run entirely on alternate energy within a handful of years.

Logistics and a lot of planning

Creating a fun and entertaining resort is not simply to attract residents, it is essential to encourage the local catchment area into it to spend.

The investment process is three fold, initially 8,192 separate companies are formed at a cost of $1 Billion a piece, in general two companies will come together to create a resort with 15% of funds allocated to land, 20% infrastructure, 25% returned to the university which in turn uses about a third of its budget to improve the construction process, 30% is dedicated to building houses, and 10% is put towards building commercial retail and industrial projects.

Over the first two years, profits from the resort (see page >) largely get returned to the construction process, this pays for university, hospital, Marina, a Golf course, Sports Park, and improves the commercial/retail office and industrial sectors, overall approximately $3.2 Billion will be spent over the first 4 years. After 4 years we see the second phase, 50% of the funds $1 Billion will have come from resort and affiliated business profits, the balance mainly from local businesses wishing to set up in the resort, their investment will be a minimum of $1Billion but most likely a higher figure, whether the initial profits from phase 2 are also diverted back to the resort is yet to be decided, all in all over the first 8 years approximately $6 to 8 Billion will have been spent. The real beauty of the operation is that 30% to 50% will have been made in profit by the 1000 or so companies that facilitate the construction, from manufacturing light bulbs to making iron, alongside many jobs created

To be continued….

Part 5: “The Resorts” Property Developments
5d: Chaos Theory, The Pressure of Profit (POP) & Ecologically Protected Capitalism (EPC)
(This rough draught, will change considerably)

The first mention of “Chaos Theory” was in July 2011 on the business software page addresses to facebook “to make a program that can run the world’s economy, looking to avoid “Chaos Theory” and lessening the Butterfly Effect of one economy buffeting the next “

At the time this comment was specific to Greece, since writing, Greece has recently halved payments on its debt, thus loosing Lloyds and many others around $1 Billion each , as such it has less capital to lend small businesses, shareholders and staff receive less dividends and bonuses and in turn they spend less. As of now Greek debt is France’s biggest threat to its AAA credit rating. Luckily however the knife cuts both ways, the “Give Half Back” examples show how money well invested has strong positive effects on economies, in terms of jobs, healthcare, government spending, ecology and general wellbeing.

Currently “Chaos Theory” is a “Theory” as it has yet to prove tangible results, or has it, one could well call “American Butterfly” a tangible result, as its economics and the PQS are inspired by “The Butterfly Effect”, and the company structure POP & EPC follow what the author calls “the mathematical science of Chaos Theory”

For those un-initiated, the “butterfly Effect” is commonly cited as “The flap of a butterfly’s wing, in Brazil, sets of a Tornado in Texas” and if we look at “graphic #1” to the right we can see a basic expansion in terms of resistance changing energy levels of a breeze, thus changing the weather. This graphic was the inspiration for the “PQS” (Predictive Quantum Software)

“Chaos Theory” was first noticed by mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz who in 1963 noticed that Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for chaotic systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general. Economics is a chaotic system.
Upon reading this the author immediately considered, the removal of human data capturing errors by connecting the software to the banks, significant in terms of “Chaos Theory” and looked further at the rounding errors. The answer was to change the way we count, and internally round. If one used a number sequence that could not reach infinity, there could be no rounding errors, as such a computer system could calculate perfectly. The number sequence was simple, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and onwards. A starting point was needed and $4 Billion was chosen, from then on all significant numbers such as “the amount of resorts” or the “investment money required” were either doubling up or diving down from $4Billion.

Concentrating on “rendering long-term prediction impossible in general,” It was decided to box off company/resort profits at $4 Billion as such if they performed as expected their profit would be predictable, they would always make $4Billion. Excess profit would overflow into what is called a “Bucket” this bucket sits until it has reached a suitable value to become its own company/resort (same shareholders). A new company and resort were created, the original shareholders as before given pro rata to their investment or profit generated real estate in the new resort, usually worth far more than their investment/profit had been.

This had the effect continually stimulating building and thus creating and keeping many jobs, it also makes company profits predictable, It also made good investment sense, as if a sub-company………

On committing this model to paper (see Graphic 2) given that the initial company was continually profitable, the concept of POP became obvious. POP or “The Pressure of Profit” shows how the more companies or “resorts” you have the faster the flow of profit as such the faster the flow of profit into buckets until one reaches incremental growth.

As a standalone business plan considering the software and profits shown from travel alone this was phenomenal, however when applied on mass in the original “American Butterfly” paper, which saw the creation of 16,384 affiliated companies and resorts, it was noticed that the generation of 100% profit each year was not possible and the model needed to be adapted, as such an analysis of how much profit each company/resort made was needed, and the resorts version of the PQS was made.

The original theory (See graphic 3) based on a resort company that cost $4Billion generating $ 4 Billion a year saw 25% returned as dividends, 25% going to “Give Half Back” and 50% flowing into the next bucket/company as such every 2 years a new resort/company would be formed, with said company starting with profits of $2Billion before it had stated trading.

The current “American Butterfly” model has now cut the initial 16,384 companies to 8,192 so increasing the catchment area of the resorts. It also works now in units of $1Billion not $4Billion, all be it one always works with at least 2 companies per resort. The next chapter “Return of Monarch” will concentrate on perfecting this business model, as of now it seems the best strategy is to look to bank $500 Million in the bucket over 4 years, and additional profits going into building and construction. Once the $500 Million is raised, it will be matched by local and important businesses investment or assimilations, as such a $1Billion pool will again be available (twice as the second resort company will have done the same). At this point, the process starts again and the resort “duplicates”.
The second resort/company set however will need

To be revised and continued.


To Come Next

Part 5: “The Resorts” Property Developments
5c: The Spartans – Team EEE

Part 5: “The Resorts” Property Developments
5e: “PQS” Resort Profitability Statistics.

Part 6: American Butterfly
6a: Resorting confidence in short and long term US Economics

Part 6: American Butterfly
6b: EEE US economics forecast by the PQS

Part 7: Brand Love and Public Relations
7a: Ecology, Energy, Health, Education, Jobs and Money

Part 7: Brand Love and Public Relations

7b: “The Sienna Project”, “Galactica 2017”, “The Virtual Network” & The Author

Part 7: Brand Love and Public Relations


Part 8: Investment
8a: Who & When

Part 9: What Next
9a: Fact Checking, Due diligence, Editing and a Professional presentation

The Penultimate Chapter

Having worked for a year in a positive manor, doubling my efforts at every fall, a guarded “What’s Next” would be inappropriate. There is much to do.

I will not presume that I immediately have 110% support, all be it if I have explained things in a simple enough manor and the totality of the work is fully understood, great.

For now, I will work under the assumption, I have your interest and probably your first question is “What do I want”? You have heard money assets and shareholdings have no appeal to me, I’m in this for the journey and the glory, no merchant has been recorded in history.

I desire someone to assist me, be it the best and brightest or the fun and funniest, so long as they have your trust and you will respect their word, that’s all I need, it will take but a week of following the process and talking to me, to understand that everything is linked, it is all one, and as amazing as it is, it’s actually very simple, so simple that it will take less than a week for your chosen advocate to report that we have a viable project, but also in either a small way or a big way they will have added to the project, there is a lot to add especially applying the theory to big business, an area where I have no experience.

The beginning of chapter 51, describes the think tank I then wished to put together, so that I could make you a creatable presentation, this idea is still valid, however as you will read the work has come on significantly, particularly the PQS and “What to do next” to the point where we are no longer making a plan to present to others, be it facebook or the Whitehouse, we are now starting the plan.

Assistant/Project manager in tow, we have much research and fact checking to do, before we get to the procurement stage, which you would call the investment stage, which I would expect to begin roughly a month after kick off. You have experience and strength in all the remaining key areas of EEE: Land Development, IT, Energy, Philanthropy, Football, Filmmaking and Middle East Affairs. Secondary areas of Rocket Science, Theoretical Science, Pharmaceuticals, Retail and Music can be serviced by Virgin galactic (Sir Richard Branson and Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan)

8. Property Development: We need a serious amount of research into available plots in the USA we need just over 4,000, when the news brakes, the land value will increase substantially, there is little that can be done about it, and its actually desired to kick start the USA economy. However the prime California North East plots will rise considerably, at the moment they are all half their 2006 value, and a safe investment in anyone’s books.

It would make sense to locate and start buying them up, “when you are confident of the plan of course” I’ll put an offer on the table, whatever you buy you can sell back for twice the value and keep a few KM’s sq as a bonus. We will need to choose a champion plot, a show piece, render the full resort in S-World and make the first phase of house for sale, just a hundred or so, the hype when this breaks will see them sell for ten times their book value and that sets a precedent for the entire project.

We also need to look at repeating the exercise across the globe, split into 4 sections 1: The Americas, 2: Europe 3: Africa, The Middle East and India, 4: The rest of the world.

9. IT: Creating S-World and the PQS are the priority, we have a $200 Million Virtual World we can probably buy for about $10 Million, but more than this we should try to purchase “The Simms”. We need the Virtual World to render the developments, we also wish to get going tying it into facebook, so an app will have to be made, the long view is an official marriage but, starting strong and having it already there before an approach makes sense. While we are on facebook the gifts idea can also be created easily and added as an app to facebook, we can tie in with a USA retailer who can deliver supper fast, a flower shop and get going on the Afri-Cards.

The PQS will be a case of myself working with a team of programmers, the data input is as important as the software, so researchers in USA economics and Global economics and budgeting will be needed as will building logistics experts, retail, Government budgeting, the list goes on, a lot of researchers. The business software links of course but is not a priority, all be it creating the backbone for the travel software is. All in all there are hundreds maybe thousands of patents that need to be registered. At the same time we need to research who has patents we need, can they be bought, can the company be bought, or are they on the “nice list” (initial partner targets).

10. Energy: Simple enough, in time we will convert the world to Alternate Power, on paper we can do it in 16 years, Solar looks best, we need due diligence, how quickly can we expect technology to increase output, the rough rule on Microchips that has been in play since the 70’s is they double in power every year, is there such a formula for power. To many the work on Alternate energy will be the most loved gift of EEE even more than money in pockets and world peace. It’s the big PR stunt that eventually will make the most money, work it out, and a little work on how not to piss of the oil companies would be useful.

11. Philanthropy: You will soon discover within the EEE structure every single good deed or good intention pays double, quite a nice bonus I discovered a long time ago, so work it, look for good things to do, tie them in, gauge the PR value and the business opportunities associated with it. We will find allies in Mark Zuckerberg (FaceBook), Bill Gates (Microsoft) & All Gore (Apple) when the time is right

12. Football & Global Leagues: No greater unification of EEE can be achieved globally that the original FIFA global league concept, all the resorts are ordered to work within a league structure. And for any player its only 5 wins to the top. The Spartan League (League 4) 8192 resorts, always paired in two’s so 4096 teams split into leagues of 16, (one league a year and a knockout competition each odd year. The winners move up and a new Spartan team takes their place from their home town. This creates 256 teams (League 3), again leagues of 16, same rules. This creates 16 winners (League 2), repeat the process and there is one league of 16 (League 1). From here the winners enter the Global League. There will have to be a little math about the ups and downs but I’ll work that out at a later point.

The original “21st Century Football Theory” (the second part of “The Spartan Theory” dictated that the teams must have a certain amount of home grown players, as such within 5 years by the time the Global League is formed, at least 5 players on each team will be from the original 8192 resorts, Further the team will need to keep all their original players as if they run out of original players they are out, all be it they can send up youth players from their resort. Chances are their will be a sub league around the resort to make the resort team.

Football is just one of many leagues, Motor racing, MMA, Baseball, American Football, Ice Hockey, Rugby, Cycling will also work nicely. However the FIFA league is the big PR and the unifier. With any one man or woman only 5 years away from winning the FIFA Global league title it will be an amazing incentive and team building exercise, plus an awful lot of fun, plus it will give all the resorts TV channels and exposure.

13. Product placement and the creation of film and TV series: A big key to the PR battle, and there will be monstrous budgets, it also on a macro level makes the individual resorts interesting to their surrounds as local series are created and screened, mini Hollywood, full of glamour and beautiful people need to spring up in each resort. However to start off I have 4 scripts I’d like evaluated, The Sienna Project combines “The Social Network” “Caprica”, Star Wars and Lord of the rings” and looks good to be a modern day version of :Lord of The rings”, Add to this the Galactica 2017 series.

14. Middle East Affairs: There is much to consider in this area, from oil to humanities from a Taliban seize fire in lieu of “The Babylon Project” to A Syrian seize fire in view of a Libya type monarchal initiative.

Part 10: The Spartan Theory
The Original Spartan Theory – 8th April 2011

Document Title: The New 21st Century “Ecological Experience Economy” (EEE) saved on 8th April 4:36 pm, written in Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.
The following is word for word, grammatical error, for grammatical error, font for font, its conclusion not just economic prosperity but an end to war. Since written it has tacken a long time and much effort to reverse engineer the concept into “America Butterfly”

Super Intelligent Engine for New Network Access

On the 1st August 2010, I promised my daughter and her mother that I would dedicate my life to good. Since then I realized that if you consider Advanced Economics from a Non Profit perspective one can achieve anything.

The New 21st Century “Ecological Experience Economy” (EEE) hypothesis.

1. The basic principal is: “the SIENNA foundation” increases companies and countries’ economies and shares the profit. The profit then goes to help weaker economies and environmental issues. The original theory currently being discusses with VIRGIN is for small business and showed substantial profit. A breakthrough earlier this week showed when adapted to big business profit is limitless.

2. CNN, SKY & Al Jazeera approach, 24 Brands, as a sign of faith 8 of them are asked to a make a charity donation of $1,000,000 to the Nelson Mandela’s foundation.
For their $1,000,000, 8 of our new partners are given a small FIFA football clubs and territory rights. The clubs will offer many other types of business experiences. With discount prices, brand association, the charitable nature of the SIENNA brand their new businesses will flourish and prosper.

3. GOOGLE are tasked with completing S-World. Started in 2000 and at a cost of $200,000,000. The avatar driven 3D Virtual World mirrors earth and will soon be open for business. All partners, big or small have virtual shops or venues. They can network together through FACEBOOK, source new suppliers, buy up S-World real-estate, have fun, travel, socialize and trade.

4. In 2010 we developed a concept that provides companies the ability to expand and add limitless content to their current web sites at the touch of a button, for no cost.
Every company we connect feeds their inventory into SIENNA’s database. Soon SIENNA will become one of the world’s largest consumer databases, maybe even “The Global Distribution System.”

5. We have detailed specifications for advanced, small and medium business software, by working with MICROSOFT we can develop this further, and adapt it to run large corporations and countries’ economies.

6. Representatives from the Sisulu & Mandela family and I will be considering the possibility of basing the SIENNA Foundation in Zimbabwe. Funding Zimbabwe’s recovery, in exchange for the government introducing the SMG (SIENNA-MICROSOFT-GOVERNMENT) administrative software.

7. Getting a small voice to be heard, needs a big event. The press is crucial, but they want a story, so they are sent the newsworthy highlights “The FIFA World League” the next “STAR WARS trilogy” and “the next series of 24”. Harvard business school further validates the theory and VIRGIN awakens.

8. Simultaneously at 3pm GMT Saturday 9th April 2011 just when the USA is waking up. SKY, CNN & Al Jazeera approach the 8 essential partner brands and ask them to pledge the $1,000,000. One hour later the following 16 bid for the last 8 places.
SKY, CNN & Al Jazeera set up appeals to business all over the world to buy Libyan S-World real estate .

9. S-World mirrors earth and will initially feature sunny beach locations, it is nearly ready to launch I have agreed for GOOGLE to buy the $200,000,000 Virtual World for $10,000,000, I want them to keep it develop it and link it to Facebook.
We will sell of prime S-World Libyan Real Estate, Golf courses even Whole city blocks for redevelopment.
Not only will this raise money when we will start S-World at these locations, so highlighting Libya’s most beautiful places to the world.

10. The money raised is dangled as a carrot to LIBIA in exchange for a truce and talks begin with LIBIA about being the first country to adopt the New 21st Century “Ecological Experience Economy” (EEE).

11. The Spartan Theory.
In exchange for guaranteed NATO Protection, Libya destroys all weapons.
Sienna’s companies fund compulsory education for 16 to 21 year olds
Education is geared towards environmental awareness and physics.
All students are rigorously tough martial artists.
If it comes to war again, 300 warriors will fight hand to hand.

Part 10: “The Angel That Resides Within String Theory”
10a: An interesting take on a unified Theory of Everything, combining Quantum Mechanics, Super symmetrical String Theory & Relativity via Chaos Theory

10a will need significant work before a serious presentation is made.

Since writing “The Sienna project” besides reverse engineering “The Spartan Theory” the author has been working on a consciousness experiment, for those uninitiated to “Theoretical Science” Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” was a consciousness experiment, as were most of the “Theories” that have defined what physics is today, one common factor all theorist and scientists agree on is symmetry (or beauty) within nature is their main inspiration.

The author’s consciousness experiment was of course to prove in some way the consciousness of Sienna transcended her mortal body. The beginnings of the journey detailed in chapter 41: The big digits – The mathematical science of “Chaos Theory” http://www.s-world.biz/The_Social_Network_2/The_Virtual_Network_2_Chapter_41.htm

Since chapter 41 the following diagram illustrates how the saying “the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” inspired the PQS, (Predictive Quantum Software), as the author envisaged a cubed grid around the world, and consider the measurement of energy transference via quantum mechanics across the grid, as a way to prove or disprove the possibility, his conclusion, that the flap could not set of a tornado in Texas, but combined with many other energy transferences from billions of butterflies it was possible, the energy transferences were assimilated as money, the butterflies humans, and as such if one could measure the individual transferences one would be able to predict the tornado, or recession, more to the point one could stop the tornado by influencing the energy transferences or exchange of dollars and cents. This meant to predict and control the economy one must start at its very source, the equivalent of the flap of a butterfly’s wing

Further consideration led the author to consider the cubed grid around the butteries as an equivalent to the Higgs Boson, the elusive particle that is said to connect the elementary particles together. It is however looking more and more like “The Higgs Boson” does not exist and the search will soon be complete, many say, that proving “The Higgs Boson” does not exist will be more significant and exciting that proving that is does, as it would mean the force that holds the elementary particle together is something that we do not understand, something that cannot be explained using general relativity, which opens the doors to quantum and string theory solutions.

During the work on the Greek economy and “New Sparta” whist considering the above the author wrote an equation that to all intents and purposes within physics was meaningless, it was E x TOE = MC2 + TOE/ -16 = 16 PPG meaningless or not it lead to what is now referred to as POP “Pressure of Profit”, EPC “Ecological Protected Capitalism” via the simple consideration of using a number sequence that could not reach infinity.

Now however with greater understanding of what many consider “The Theory of Everything” (TOE) there may be a good source of further inspiration taken from this instinctive theoretical equation, as TOE is unknown and interpreted in vastly different ways, it opens the equation up to many possibilities. In general most consider “TOE” as the unifying theory between quantum mechanics and relativity, others generally look to “String Theory”: as such within the equation TOE can be any of the above as such the equation could mean Energy x Quantum Theory = Mass x The speed of light x the speed of light + relativity / by infinity – The non chaotic number sequence, this is really to be considered simply as order, best defined by the removal of Chaos.

The interesting part of the equation is that by removing all but the TOE’s, Infinity and -16 one gets TOE = TOE/ -16, this can be interpreted as Quantum mechanics = General Relativity / infinity – 16 (where by the -16 stands for order in some fashion, which in many ways can be interpreted as what the scientist refer to as the Higgs Boson often referred to as “The God Particle” and to explain the last part to the original equation = 16 PPG, it was inspired by String Theory as “The particles of Physics within God, not to digress, one now can further refine the equation to: Quantum Mechanics = Relativity / infinity – the Higgs Boson equivalent.

Where this becomes really interesting is that without any prior knowledge of either Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity or the Higgs Boson, this equation makes perfect sense, as the main challenge in physics today, is creating a unified theory between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, as the mathematics does not work, as when aligned they keep coming up with an answer that reaches infinity, which is TOE = TOE/ With the missing particle or more to the point the missing force being “The Higgs Boson equivalent, that is the -16 the unknown object that pulls infinity back as such when one finds what that is, the author suggest that that will be the missing piece between the unifying theory between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity.

So we have Quantum Mechanics will unify with General Relativity via the Higgs Boson equivalent which in all likelihood has perfect order.

Certainly the author suggests that it may be a wise course of action, to mathematicians and scientists alike to try to run the experiments that define quantum mechanics and Relativity again, using a non infinite sequence of numbers, as such where the gap lies that is currently reaching infinity, the bridge the difference between the two results may be a location of interest.

As such, if the beginning of the equation is theoretically correct, and it was just nonsense written by a man without any knowledge of the subject, just a search for answers in a consciousness experiment, we should also look at the last part of the equation = 16 PPG (Particles of Physics within God, or was later consider The Partials of Physics within Good, or one could say positivity) either or to the author it is “String Theory” of some kind, as such the unifying piece to Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, the Higgs Boson equivalent may well be found within String Theory, so named as it considers the eliminatory particles of the universe to me connect and moved in an equivalent way to the vibrations of string on an instrument, and if the Higgs Boson is as is said, the force that ties all the particles together, it makes perfect sense that they could be done so in a manner as String Theory dictates.

The string theory that seems to make most sense is 10/11 dimensional string theory, or super symmetrical string Theory. It is said that the 6 or 7 extra dimension relationship to our 4 dimensions height, width, depth and time, are to be considered as 3 slices of bread in a loaf. It is further said that one dimension set is incredibly small, a quantum universe as such, all be it has no light.

The author made a rather obvious conclusion that to be so small it must have either perfect order or near perfect order, it must be unchaotic.

At the time the original equation E x TOE = MC2 + TOE/∞ -16 = 16 PPG was written scientists at CERN had just managed to get neutrinos to brake the speed of light, all be it a flaw may recently have been found, regardless, the only expiation that made sense was that said neutrinos had penetrated the lightless dimension. Recently the author considered this and made this diagram replacing the unknown dimension with known forces.

From this point we leave the realm of any known science or theory as back up for observations

As the neutrinos penetrated the quantum universe, and the experiment ran again and gave the same answer, it would mean there was only one quantum universe in the same place or said quantum universe is wrapped around everything; and as such is not only quantum (incredibly small) it is also incredibly large, indeed it is everywhere, but as a dimension we cannot see or understand we do not know it exists and cannot see or understand it

Consciousness exists, and as best one can tell, is both instant and has no mass, as such it can exist within a quantum universe, and can be everywhere at the same time, if it exists in a lightless environment it may be best considered simply as a dream.

To look at spiritually form this scientific perspective, the author considers that it is the consciousness from said quantum universe that is collectively within us, and rather than being all knowing, it is just becoming aware of its own existence, millions and billions of years ago it was just an energy that controlled things or in Higgs Boson equivalency strung the universe together, but it evolved, and as it did, so did earth.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that there is no other sentient life in the Universe despite its trillions upon trillions of planets. If there are any legs to the above observations however, it is no coincidence that earth was chosen, in would make no difference what planet was chosen if there is only one there is only one. Gaia Theory dictates “the earth will protect itself” maybe it’s not that simple, maybe it’s the earth will try to protect itself, as the consciousness of the quantum universe, the connector grew it created itself, sentient life, which could exist in a place with light, on a planet that is beautiful, all be it, it has no ultimate control over sentient life as it is sentient life, and as such is chaotic, all be it to the best of the authors imagination, it is trying to regain order, with the earth and its arguably greatest creation at a cross roads, it can wipe itself out, to maybe be lost forever or it can learn, to find order and spread out to the stars.

And that is as far as the author has currently considered, other than it seems mighty odd that he alone has created such an immense project, and if implemented may well have saved the existence of humanity, he does indeed like to think, that for a split second, he saw a glimpse into the quantum universe, saw its order and wrote it down, further he likes to think as was written in “The Sienna Project” regarding his daughter “On the 1st August 2010 she chose to transcend into energy to help open a portal to the world in order to help humanity.”

10b: Photographs of Sienna Skye